First of all I don't want this taken the wrong way. We have had far too many wars here lately and I don't want you to be offended by my corrections to some of what you have written. We all want the best from our work so I hope you understand.
First of all, you are correct about not wanting gelcoat to be too thin, but some of the reasons listed are incorrect. Gelcoat is a resin, only it is higher grade, has longer elongation, has pigments and resists UV rays much better. Both resin and gelcoat are made the same way, polyesters and styrene monomer. Both use the same catalyst with the same percentage to cure it and both, when done correctly, will take the same amount of time to gel and cure if their gel times are compatible. Even with varying gel times they will cure in about 2 hours at 77 degrees F.
Cracking of gelcoat comes when it is applied too thick, not too thin, in excess of 25 mils. Optimum thickness is 18(+/-2) mils. Below 12 mils and it will under cure and will have fiber print through. Resin will not break down gelcoat when it is cured, thick or thin. Paint on a car is 4 mils thick for reference.
Crazing is something that happens in resin and not gelcoat. Cracking or checking (mud cracking) occurs in gelcoat and is caused by gelcoat being too thick, blistering, evaporated gasses behind the gelcoat that expand and blow out the surface, and stress. If gelcoat is too thin, it will flex with the fiberglass easier. But thin is bad right? If thicknesses do not exceed 22 mils it will still flex with the glass well enough and not crack, otherwise the stress of the flex will crack the gelcoat. Fiberglass must flex, otherwise a boat would shatter the first time you take it out.
I recommend spraying gelcoat onto a mold. Brushing can be done but the results will not be mirror of the mold surface. And if you want an even coverage then spraying is the way to go.
After I spray gelcoat onto a mold I start my skin coat of fiberglass about 45 minutes to an hour after spraying. You can start in as little as 35 minutes after applying gelcoat if you are in a well controlled 75 degree environment. The norm is when the gelcoat cools back down to room temperature. Waiting too long and the skin coat will not adhere well enough and delamination will occur down the road. I always follow that rule. If I wait for a long time between coats of fiberglass I can always sand it to rough it up. The gelcoat should be tacky when you start laying the skin coat.
A supplier can provide any color of gelcoat needed. For exact matches, like boat matches, I use a place in Washington that supplies factory colors.
I think some of the reasons your gelcoat is taking too long is either the amount of catalyst you use (should be 1.8% at 77 degrees), room temperature at application, applied too thin, not mixed well enough before mixing catalyst or old gelcoat. You might also have incompatable catalyst.
Hope this helps. Happy prop making!