Contact cement on open cell foam expands it?


Sr Member
So I got some contact cement last night and played around with gluing foam to plastic and foam to foam with it (1/4" to 1/2" thick foam.)

After applying the contact cement to the foam it actually caused the foam to expand, lengthening it and distorting it's shape a little. Is there a way to avoid this?
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The contact cement you're using, sounds like it contains a chemical reactant of some sort.

Use fabric glue (I like fabri-tac) for foam-foam adhesion. It's (or seems to be) completely non-reactive - and it bites like hell. You'll end up ripping the foam before you break the glue bond.

You know, I am about to just succumb to using carpet tape! I have tried a lot of things.

I'll give fabric glue a try, thanks.,
Similar to this:

I think we're talking about the type of foam you can buy at home depot or lowes. They sell it for insulation but it carves really nice. They use it at games day for the the really detailed game boards.

That is what we're talking about right? I love that stuff but I've never had much luck gluing the stuff together. If anyone knows what the best glue for that is I'd love to hear what that is. I'll be trying that fabric adhesive as soon as I get a chance.

Once I get my Roto-caster built I'll most likely be using that foam exclusively for all my masters. So if anyone has insight please don't hold back no secrets.
If it's polyethylene or polyurethane foam (i.e. Microcell, Volara, EVA, neoprene), I would suggest Weldwood contact cement. I've never had any problems with it on either of those types of foam. Never tried it on stryofoam though.

However, the biggest thing is that you'll need to apply the contact cement to both sides that are going to touch and wait about 10-15 mins sometimes up to an hour after application. The contact cement will warp the foam momentarily but afterwards it'll smooth back out and go flat. The directions tell you how long to wait before contacting surfaces and how long you can leave it to dry before you can no longer adhere it.

Give that a shot.
