Concept Dredd

Larry Young

Master Member
I got Jon Bayliss' awesome Steve Dillon-designed Dredd helmet that Wake Carter sells at Termight, and I love it. Was just going to display in my helmet collection, but with Halloween coming up, I bought a DREDD patch in the GB style from Katarra8 and basted it to the front of my screen-used Children of Men police gear.

And then, you know, I had to go get my picture taken in the Cursed Earth. :)


That looks really cool!

I love the film Children of Men. I must say, Dredd really matches well!

That looks really cool with the helmet and swat gear, and yes, I LOVE children of men, thats a awesome prop to have in your collection!!!
Hi Larry,

Glad you like the helmet. What is the vision like? Judge Dredd fans often suspect that the nose cross would get in the way, but whenever I've put a Dredd helmet on I barely notice it. I sometimes feel a lack of peripheral vision but since the helmet is a better fit on you that it is on me even that might not be too bad. What do you think?


Glad you like the helmet. What is the vision like? Judge Dredd fans often suspect that the nose cross would get in the way, but whenever I've put a Dredd helmet on I barely notice it. I sometimes feel a lack of peripheral vision but since the helmet is a better fit on you that it is on me even that might not be too bad. What do you think?

Wake, honestly, the helmet's spectacular. Just a fine piece of work all around.

I did cut out the liner from an extra motorcycle helmet I had lying around to pad it up just slightly, which holds it up off the very top of my head and keeps it steady around my ears. Feels like a proper helmet.


As to vision, I'm used to driving around town with a motorcycle helmet, and, apart from the outer points of the visor peeking in at the outermost areas of my peripheral vision, I think the field of vision is quite comparable to the legal Department of Transportation-approved lid I wear now. As to the nosepiece interfering I literally don't see it at all, but I have an above-average melon: 23" around with my eyes 3" apart from pupil to pupil. Maybe I just got lucky, but this thing seems like it was made to my measurements.

Thanks again for setting me up with this; I don't have near the level of skill with plastic to make one of my own that looks this perfect so that's another boyhood dream done crossed off the list. :)
Thanks for that insight Larry. I was pretty sure about the nose piece already but since I don't ride a motorbike I wasn't sure about peripheral vision.

Jon Bayliss made the helmets to fit his own, larger than average, head. The result is something that swamps me, but would probably be right for anyone with the 6'+ stature needed for Dredd.

At least someone with a smaller head can still wear it, especially with the aid of a helmet liner or beanie hat. If the helmet was an average fit a significant proportion of buyers might not be able to fit it on at all.

I'm still hoping that Jon can increase his production rate. He's currently up to helmet 14 and that has taken him around 18 months since I approved the prototype.
I'm still hoping that Jon can increase his production rate. He's currently up to helmet 14 and that has taken him around 18 months since I approved the prototype.

Well, for my part, it was very much worth the wait!

Here's a quick bit of Photoshop I did you can use to explain to folks what looking out from it is like. I just put it on to check and see, and if you look down you do see the overlap of the nosepiece a bit. But that's my idea of the field of vision you get:

What you need is a big mean lookin' GUN.

Heh; I was surprised it took that long for someone to say that. :) As it turns out, the only time we had to take these pics was on Sunday afternoon, and the missus was wearing our 16 month old on her back in a Yoda-esque backpack we have as we walked the two blocks to Ocean Beach to get a nice blank blown-out concrete backdrop for 'em.

Of course, 20,000 people were running the Breast Cancer Awareness Marathon right then, so as we looked out the window to gauge the weather, the missus thought it might be best to leave even pretend weaponry at home so as not to call down the local constabulary on us.

I did wear the helmet all the way to the beach, though, and got the standard San Francisco response: high-fives from half the people and completely ignored by the blasé other half. :)
Any idea when you'll start taking orders for the Helmet again?

I'm afraid I have no idea. I don't want to run up another backlog so I may just sell them one by one as they are completed. Even that isn't going to be any time soon. I will be very surprised if the backlog gets cleared before the end of 2008.


I love this concept and I would have really rather seen something like this in the movie, instead of the tights we got. I think we would have had a lot more people at sci-fi con in dredd costumes if there had been a more realist human body idea behind the movie costume. Even Stallone looked a little funny in some shots, with the big shoulder pads and the tights.
I think we would have had a lot more people at sci-fi con in dredd costumes if there had been a more realist human body idea behind the movie costume. Even Stallone looked a little funny in some shots, with the big shoulder pads and the tights.

How about something like this:


Click HERE for more info on this costume.