Cold Cast Alternative?


Well-Known Member
I'm impatiently waiting for a replacement of my 3D print that I broke casting for the Electrified Avatar Glove and am looking at making metal versions along side the DIY ones.

Now these things are solid and surprisingly weighty for their size. reading up on cold casting they're going to be even heavier with the metal powder in them- which might be a bad thing.

I would like to know if anyone has a good alternative to using metal powder; perhaps a good tint/ pigment combination? I am primarily looking to replicate Brass, Bronze, and Copper and would prefer if its something in the mix.
If you dust it into the mold and maybe even a thin layer of resin with the powder added. It wont add too much weight at all and gives a great metal finish.
Below was done with a dusting of copper, a thin layer with more copper then normal black tinted resin
Reading some of the cold cast details on certain websites they act as if you have to have a special resin to go with it. I'm assuming this isn't true?
They brush on on the mixed cold cast resin first then they add just plain resin to give stregh, they use the cold cast just in the first resin batch, at leas thats the way they did it on a smooth on video, hope that helps
The part in question is going to be on the wrist; I'm only concerned with the weight due to the possibility of it moving around while people are walking.

What I'm making is small enough to fit in your palm and one part has two hollow tubes you cannot reach directly on the mold. This is one of the main reasons I'm not sure dusting would work.
(I'm also working in my kitchen (no studio atm) and am a bit concerned about the metal powder getting in the air or residue on food.)

RiggsMcClane: It's mainly a clear resin needed rather then a solid white. There is one Smooth On makes that seems to be recommended the most.

kwalsh0000: How did you make the fill hole not be as obvious when using the metal powder everywhere else? Also, how large are those?
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