Close Encounters of the Third Kind recon UFO


Active Member
Ok... I know this is a pretty obscure subject, but a model of this UFO would be soooo cool.

Does anyone know of any good sources for detailed pics of this flying light-bright? Has anyone done one of these before (other than the folks who made the movie of course)? :confused

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Somewhere I have the Cinefantastique on CE3K... I think there are photos in there.

But actually only part of the UFO effect is a physical object.. they also ran motion-control passes on light patterns.

Upshot is, there might not be a single model you can replicate to get the "look". Somehow you have to duplicate those light glows and lens flares, which may not be physically possible.

- k
You could install the model in a sealed glass case with a smoke machine attached. That way you could get the glow from the lights.

Great film. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup
That is a cool idea.
I have always thought a model of the main ship would be awesome as well.
All I have managed is a Devils Tower replica in my mashed potatoes.:)
The saucer you're referring to was dubbed "Saucer D" (aka the "Quarter Pouder") by the FX crew.

I've got the CE3K CFQ issue at home. As I recall, the miniature in question is little more than matte black disc with a double bank of back-lit "windows" running along the front of a bun-shaped lower half, and a series of small bulbs protruding from the slightly conical top half. In this instance 90% of the overall effect was indeed accomplished via multiple pass lighting. That said, i'll post the CFQ images tomorrow.

The only other possible sources I can think of would be the CE3K issue of American Cinematographer, and the book Close Encounters: A Document of the Film. I've got those at home as well, though I can't recall whether or not they contain any useful images.

But I'll let you know.
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I have seen a few of the ship models, they are simple shapes with cutouts for lights. Probably 8-10 different kinds.

Sorry no pics, just saw a stack of them at a shop once. They told me that's what they were.