Clone trooper


New Member
I am making a clone trooper I am using some of the armor from the Supreme Edition Stormtrooper costume, which is plastic. I will be painting the different parts of it blue. Can anyone suggest what kind of paint I should use? I will be using the suit quite often so I need it to be durable. I was thinking about going to an automotive repair shop and asking them to paint it with automotive paint. Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks
Hate to say this, but converting a Rubies POS Stormtrooper costume into a clone is absolutely pointless. The suits are not even remotely similar in any way shape or form. By the time you would be done, You would have invested triple that of what you would have if you went and got a clone kit to start with. My suggestion is go to and do some research there. You will find all that you need to know and more if you spend a few days reading that site.
I agree with Torment. Wherever it is you're trying to get to, the Rubies POS Stormtrooper is not going to get you there. You need to scrap it and read up on everything.
The Rubies Stormtrooper is not even a good starting point for a decent Stormtrooper... what a weird idea
Ok everyone thanks a lot for the advice. I appreciate it
Hi, in CTn you will find at least three armor builders, sign up and you will can apply to the 501st when your armor will be finished, in the forum you will find A LOT of info, tutorials, pics reference, believe me you will be surprised about the tons of clone material.
I agree with all posts

Sell your armor stormtrooper rubbies and you can buy a clone trooper armor kit !
I am making one for me !
