Classic Dr.Who U.N.I.T uniforms

Jodo Kast 3

Sr Member
Does anybody have any good screen grabs or reference pics from the 70`s era UNIT uniforms?

Looking to do one...but reference is minimal at best.

Any help would be great.

Dress uniform, olive green combats or camouflage?

Both the green and DPM (camo) were '60 pattern (DPM also called '66 pattern) the jackets can still be obtained, trousers not so much:

The webbing used was '58 pattern, comprising belt, yoke, left ammo pouch and right ammo pouch.

The beret appears to be a standard 'SAS' issue beret.

Helmets, when worn were the steel Mk IVs, usually with green string covers.

Boots were either black ammo boots, or boots DMS. Sgt Maj Benson can be seen wearing brown boots (a distinct no-no!).

Also worn were canvas gaiters.

The shirt would be the shirt mans wool og or the Shirt KF (khaki flannel).

The Jersey Heavy Wool is a standard, but the version without lapels.

Scrim scarves in olive green.

Weapon of choice would be either the L2A3 SMG (Sterling) or the L1A1 SLR (FN FAL), with wooden furniture. Officers would, of course, carry the L9A1 Browning 9mm.

I'll dig through for some reference pics. I have '68 pattern combats that are similar, Shirt OG and Shirt KF, tie wool, Mk IV helmet, '58 pattern belt, Boots ammo and Boots DMS etc if you want detailed pics.
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I could be wrong but didn't they just wear basicly British Para uniforms with UNIT badges on them?

Dear JK3,

I did some searching on the interent and came up with this site:

Here are some pictures I found too:




I couldn't resist putting up a photo of my favorite Doctor and companions - Patrick Troughton, Jamie + Zoe as well as a cute behind the scences of Zoe.



You know what - my mistake - I was thinking of this Action Man uniform that is kind of like Sgt. Benton's uniform - and I see from the packaging it's a Royal Marine and not a para.

Not sure....

I`m trying to see if any parts of either the dress uniform or the regular duty uniform are available anywhere?

That will dictate which one we do...
The soldiers dress uniform (Number 2 dress) changed in the early '80s - the stuff mostly available on ebay these days is a later pattern, most notably the chest pockets are missing the pleat (easily fixed with a bit of spare material) and no longer come with a cloth belt (not a problem if you decide to wear a '58 pattern belt with holster). Otherwise they are a close match, and can be gotten quite cheaply - especially as the dress uniform is changing again this year.

The Officers No 2 dress pattern is pretty much the same as it has been for years.

The No 2 dress shirts are frequently available on ebay also, although Benton and the Brigadier would both wear the officer pattern shirt (more of a cream colour).

Boots DMS (black ankle high boots with a toecap) are the correct wear, except for the Brigadier who would be wearing brown shoes.
Of course you could always extrapolate an American UNIT uniform of the period with the correct insignia. I seem to recall there were brief scenes with a US UNIT officer in the '70s.
JK - I'm now in possession of a '60's/70's pattern dress uniform and a full set of webbing if you want pictures.
Of course you could always extrapolate an American UNIT uniform of the period with the correct insignia. I seem to recall there were brief scenes with a US UNIT officer in the '70s.

Are you talking about Bill Filer from the episode The Claws of Axios (1971)? I'm pretty sure he was an American plain clothes intelligence agent for UNIT.

The other american was General Sanchez from The Stolen Earth.

I don't remember any other American Unit members (Although I may have missed a few episodes).

Are you talking about Bill Filer from the episode The Claws of Axios (1971)? I'm pretty sure he was an American plain clothes intelligence agent for UNIT.

The other american was General Sanchez from The Stolen Earth.

I don't remember any other American Unit members (Although I may have missed a few episodes).


So does anyone out there offer classic UNIT patches?
I know this is a very old thread, but I'm looking to recreate the brigadeer's uniform and could use some UK-based assistance