Christopher Lee likeness bust (1:1 young, dracula)


Sr Member
Hey all,

Just got around to snapping some pics of this project and have added it to the Custom Sculpture Busts and Statues section of the site (

I was asked to create a realistic head for a lifesized statue of Christopher Lee as Dracula from the old Hammer films: to capture the streaky, thick black hair, the intense eyes, unique ears and slightly bent nose. I chose a pose turned to one side and with the head bent back slightly. This gives him a powerful and "aloof" feel that I think captures the vibe of the character.

While I don't have pics of the statue (the client is doing the body and clothing), here are some shots of the head and a snap of the sculpt. I added some bits from the thrift shop to round out the display for the copy of the head I'll be keeping here.

Naturally, the pics wash out all the detail on the skin tones and sculpt, but such is the way with black hair and a black background I suppose!

Anyway, if anyone's interested, the client gave me the OK to make additional copies. Just PM if you dig this sort of thing :D


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Gorgeous Tom!!! Really really nice! I'll shoot you an email soon..i'd be very interested in one of those!

Hope to see you at monster mania!

Man you guys who can capture a face, and sculpt a whole human head like this from photos just scare the hell out of me!!!!! ;)

Damn nice work!!

But... There's always a but...

For some reason the eyebrows are slightly off, and IMHO, there should be more grey around the temples and maybe a slightly more receding hairline, at least from my memory....
Thanks for the kind words, guys!

...IMHO, there should be more grey around the temples and maybe a slightly more receding hairline, at least from my memory....

That darn grey is really hard to get to show up in the pics :lol: There's definitely more there than shows up, but keep in mind the grey streaks and the hairline changed dramatically over the 14+ years they did the Hammer drac films... the client wanted something slightly idealized in that regard.

Awesome job as usual Tom! Is the hair glued or punched in around the hairline? It looks like it is punched! Again great job :)

Saw the first pic and thought "there is a slight resemblance but something is off ". Scrolled down to the pic with the reference photos and thought "I was mistaken. Tom got the likeness down perfect." It's amazing how we envision someone in our mind looking a certain way and a pic of what they actually looked like at that time completely destroying that notion. :lol Was Christopher Lee ever that young? He's been around forever it seems. AWesome likeness. Would have been COOL to see him with full on fangs and bloodshot eyes.

Thanks very much all!

Love the Bernard music comment... thankya! Shoulda had that playing while I sculpted this one!

The piece is latex and the hair was loose fiber from NFT (glued, not punched, but I was really careful to make a natural hairline). Eyes are glass... coloring was done with my usual lots of layers of sponge and fleck painting. :)
