Charmed Fans...original Book of Shadows


Sr Member
Hey Gang,

I picked this up for my wife awhile back and I can't remember if I posted anything about it (If I did, then I apologize). She's a huge Charmed fan and when the show finally went off the air, I picked this up for her. It's one of a few that were made for the show (Tony Swatton made the outer leather binding on all of them). This one is one of the special effects books. It has a wire rig glued into the binding of the book and fishing line was stung through pin holes in all the pages so that the book could appear to close on it's own.



Excellent score!!!

My wife is a big fan of the show as well and i hope that one day i will be able to score a very accurate replica of the book for her.


Very nice. How many of the pages are illustrated, and how many are blank (roughly)? Do you know if illustrated pages were added as the show progressed? I've wondered about that for a while.
Sorry for reanimating this thread but I was wondering if anyone had any Book of Shadows scans or closeups of the leather book cover. Thanks.
I'd love to see Photos of the Book, there were some great episodes that showed some great Illustrations in the Book itself, I'm curious if your Copy has the same artwork...
Charmed was awesome. I miss that show so much. It was the first show I properly got into.

I have a big BOS back home in England too but it's not a proper one or anything. It was a DVD box set and it was huge (not the small version they've sold in stores over the last few years) and came with it's own stand. Had a leather cover and had lots of the pages in high quality. I wish I could get home to scan it. It also has 8 separate pages for the 8 seasons. The Triquetra lights up on the front too. I think it was from Australia.

If I ever get back home I will scan whatever pages there are in it and upload them for sure.

The Belthazar page was always my favorite.
In the episode Chris-Crossed of the serie Charmed we can see than in the future in a alternate future the Halliwell Manor was a museum. Wyatt Halliwell claimed to have created the museum as a tribute to and reminder of the power he came from.



The Tour Guide had a little embedded picture of the Halliwell Manor sewn onto her jacket. Someone could reproduce or recreate the logo?
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