Can you spraypaint latex with Krylon H20 paints?


Master Member
Has anyone tried this? No petroleum solvents - is this the main barrier? Would you get anything worse than perhaps light surface cracking if you used it? Thanks for the info!

- Douglas
Yeah you should be able to no problem as they are both similar, depending on the original latex you could get spidering or small cracks though as some latex paints always remain a little rubbery...
A little bit of cracking should actually work very well for the aesthetic I need! I just wanted to be sure it would adhere and not attack the latex. I was pretty certain that the lack of solvent would ensure that, but this is good encouragement. I'm gonna have a rush project for this halloween and these paints would make things a lot easier! Thanks for the tips - if anyone's got anything else to share please do!

- Douglas
a friend of mine creates his own latex costumes
he uses the following mixture to spray (airbrush) his costumes without cracks, even after intensive use.

A few important remarks first!!!
1) Good ventilation and respirator-protection is required for this technique
2) good cleaning of your airbrush afterwards, using ammoniak and water
3) your latex must use ammoniak as a solvent in the first place

mixture: 1/3 liquid latex + 1/3 water paint + 1/3 ammoniak (commercial grade from DIY)