Can you find the prop in progress hidden in this picture?

The Hopkinator

Sr Member
Heres Dennis and Arnie . My buddy's 1958 Plymouth arrived last night from California.. My second favorite prop car in the world, Christine, ( My all time favorite is the black SS Camaro from "Better Off Dead" ) will be underway in a couple weeks. She still has the original engine and push button tranny. Needless to say hes all giddy like a little girl. I thought the car would be a huge boat,,its large, but not as big as you would think 50s iron typically is. Being from California, shes not too rusty either.

Hes already worn out his Special Edition Christine DVD...
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Oooooooooooh how i envy that... Are you going to paint it up like Christine completely? (I know of a lot of 58 fury owners who wont paint them red, afraid of the "stereotype")
Oh yeh,, a Christine no doubt. I mean, who cares about a regular old 58 Plymouth?? But Christine,, oooo Hes gonna try and duplicate it to the letter.
Oh I LOVE this movie. Love the car too. And the book.

As for the radio playing old songs, why not just have an mp3 player behind a fake radio (or get some electrical person to wire it up).
Fill the player with the soundtrack and other appropriate songs and there you go.

Ooooh. Just imagine that cruisin' slowly down a street at night.