Can someone make some waterslide decals for me?


Master Member
I am finishing up my latest guitar build, which is my signature model. This one is also going to Bruce Springsteen.

I am going for a vintage Fender look (it's not Fender, but my last name), which is silver metallic and black outline:


I've been making my own waterslide decals from inkjet waterslide paper, and hand drawing the silver on the underside of the decal, which involves soaking the decal and removing it from the paper, then flipping it over back on to the paper, letting it dry and applying the silver with a Sakura silver ink pen. It's a method used in the guitar buidling community. The method isn't bad, and it looks decent enough, but it still looks amatuerish. I was going to have an online company make them using the silk screen method, but they turned into a flake.

If I send the image, can some make a professional decal with silver metallic ink? Of course, I'll pay for your services.

Okay, check out this company: Papilio Inkjet Media They make laser printer water transfer decal sheets. These are different from inkjet paper because they already have a clear substrate. You don't need to spray a clear over the top when finished. You do need to provide a separate adhesive (white glue works flawlessly) as the adhesive that holds the clear to the paper completely dissolves in water. Here's how I would do this: Make your Fender outline in solid black, as pictured above. Print the image (or several) onto a plain sheet of white paper, but reversed (flip it horizontally). Take that and some Papilio PAS4 to a laser printer and make one copy. The laser printer will bond the black to the clear decal paper. You can then hand paint your silver color inbetween the black lines. You don't have to be perfect, because when you dip the decal in water, there is no adhesive left and the decal lifts completely from the paper, nice and clean. You then place the decal printed side down on your guitars. This does three things: 1. Clear protective layer is on top, and provides superb scratch protection for your image (ALPS inks can come off of decal paper with a thumbnail, sometimes). 2. Your silver inside the black lines will appear perfect, as the black outline will be "on top", with the silver painted part undeneath. 3. ALPS resin inks can be eaten away by certain clear coats (Testors, for sure). I have had mixed success with other clears. But the best part about printing updside down is the ink NEVER comes into contact with the clearcoat, and there is no reaction. I've been making custom model decals for years this way with outstanding results. I have an ALPS but it unfortunately has a dead point on the print head, leaving lines across the paper. I have used the Silver Metallics and Silver foils before, and you may or may not be happy with the reflectiveness of that silver. I know there are others here with an ALPS, so maybe they can help. I love the Papilio stuff, and I'd recommend it any day. Good luck.
Thanks Morris99, I'll look into this method. It's basically what I am doing now, but your method is with better material.

The only thing I am concerned about, which I am already having problems with now, is the silver ink reacting to the lacquer (Nitro) on the headstock. I am trying to avoid direct contact of all inks/paint with the lacquer.
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You could try laying down a small section with Future floor wax. Future works great, won't cause any reaction, and might be a good barrier between the lacquer and the ink.
Test on scrap wood. Your logo means a lot to your product. Flaking, discoloration, lack of crisp detail are going to be a sore point for the owner. Using glue as a base might discolor it.

As far as brand quality, I used Papilio vinyl bumper sticker media, and a Canon inkjet printer. (not decal media) I shot RR nitro over the top to gloss it up, and it stuck. Something to note, you have to adjust print settings to lay the colors on thick, and it will take experimentation to nail it right.

You know the guy who makes "replica" F decals? Maybe you could strike a business deal with him? I personally think his work is better than the originals.

Can't wait to see what you come up with! I am really excited to hear how your business booms!

Hey Mike,

The "bigdecal" guy is gone. Fender shut his site down, but I did ask if he does custom work when he was up and running and he said no :(
DarkHelmet, As morrris99 mentioned Papillio Inkjet Media or if you have a local hobby shop you may want to try the Testors Custom Decal System, plus you will have the freedom to create whatever decals you want in the future. I just go the Testors set and have not tried it yet but it looks pretty straight forward.
Here is a link to the Testors kit so you can see what comes with it
Testors » Accessories » Decals » Custom Decal System