Can anyone tell me what these fonts are?


Sr Member

The font names for the "The International Quidditch Association", the "Presents" and the "422nd Quiddicth World Cup" would be much appreciated. Thanks! :)
It's giving me fonts that are not even close.

make sure you don't guess

if you don't have a sample of the letter, skip the question
if they ask about a lower case and you have no sample, skip the question

it only works if all the information you give it is accurate
make sure you don't guess

if you don't have a sample of the letter, skip the question
if they ask about a lower case and you have no sample, skip the question

it only works if all the information you give it is accurate

I sorta figured blindly making choices wouldn't help onn the questions I didn't have info about. :lol Thanks again.
I sorta figured blindly making choices wouldn't help onn the questions I didn't have info about. :lol Thanks again.

well, I can tell you this about the font from just eyeballing it

it looks like the same font as the HAL font from 2001

so it's a futura or helvetica, also Franklin gothic...
it's the "w" that's weird
it's also condensed and may be classified as "roman" or "demi bold"

if nothing else, you can beat around for a match

hope that helps, and I'll go through my library
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Hey, try Context Ultra Condensed, but it looks like they used 2 "U"s instead of the font W

everything else about that font looks right
i don't care so much about the fonts...what is that piece? is it a fan-made item or something else?