C57-D Miniature and Where's it Been??

SSRN Seaview

Well-Known Member
From the new PIH auction. Anyone have info to share as to where it's been since the 1980's? I know from reading the "bible" of Forbidden Planet info, CFQ magazine that a car museum in Michigan had it on display for years. But that museum closed and the where-abouts of the 83" prop model were unknown.
The one in the catalog looks like the one Agnes Moorhead beat on in the Twilight Zone episode. Based on the fact the dome on the auction one had to be reconstructed, I'd say that was the one. As far as where it has been, I'd be interested in hearing too. Cool stuff!

From my knowledge, a rough copy was subsituted for Angnes to beat the be-jeebers out of. MGM had plenty of use for that model and destroying it was not in the cards.
My banner and avatar rotate everyday and look at what it is at today, simple coincidence, I think not... :lol

Here are some pics of the ship from "The Invaders"






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