Buckles for a Mal browncoat?


Sr Member
Ok, so I may be getting a very reasonable priced Mal firefly browncoat soon, but I need buckles for it. I've asked around to some of the people that make replicas of the whole coat, and may say they will be offering replicas of the buckles by themslves soon, but I need to get then in time to attach then to the coat, before a con in less then a Month.

So, does anyone know of a place that offers them now, or have any ideas of what I could us in stead, or how I could make something passable for the time being?

Hancock fabric has a buckle that works in a similar fashion.

Those look great, but Hancock fabric closed up shop here a few years ago, and I haven't found anything else close to those at the other local shopes. (at least not yeat)

Any other Ideas out there?
Someone a while back did a run of them but I can't remember who. I think it was phillipe. I do remember whoever did them saying what a kick in the bits it was to work with bronze due to the shrinkage as it cooled.
Have you tried just calling Jonathan Logan?
He might well sell them separately.

I just spoke to him.
He doesn't sell the hardware only.

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still looking for a nice replica of these. (a cheep one would be very, very nice. :) I mean. my coat cost me less then $12. :lol ))
well I talked to a couple places, but they all want like $35.- $40. or more, for one set. :( I think that's outrageous. I mean, I know they aren't mass produced, and all, but my coat only cost me $10. :lol I'm not going to put $40. buckles on a $10. coat.

I know there has to be a cheep way to make these, or a real world item similar to them.
Maybe if there's enough like minded folks, we could get a run going? Could bring the price down a little.
Well I would be in for a set for sure.

I only see a few problems:

1. Who would do the run?

2. is there enough people even in to firefly any more? (I see a lot of firefly stuff in the junk yard, as in people selling off there collections, etc.) And even if there are enough people in to firefly, are there enough, that have, or want a browncoat, and/or only need the buckles. (i.e. That didn't just buy a finished one, but rather had it made, did it themselves, or just want to "upgrade" there existing coat.) That's a very narrow market.

3. Most of the places that offer the buckles right now. (like Abbyshot) Offer there own coats, and may not want to offer a run to those that would put them on coats made by someone else.

But if there was run, I would so be in for a set. :)
Guess it's all relative... given that a finished coat of decent quality is gonna run around 300 dollars or so, 30 to 40 for the buckles, which are the hardest part to find if you can actually make your own coat, is a pretty good price to me.

Your mileage may vary.