Brilliant Toy Story 3 viral video

Shoot 16mm and transfer to VHS, bump it down two generations and mis-adjust the tracking and there you go.

Very cool.
Cool that they would go through with this, I can't wait to see it.

I just wish the girl in the video had a real metal lunchbox instead of the plastic one. That kind of threw me off as I don't remember the plastic ones around when I was a kid.
I don't see the connection between this and TS3. Is that toy going to a part of the film?
Wow. Coulda fooled me. I never would have guessed unless I looked closely. I do recall having a plastic Six Million Dollar Man lunchbox during the late 70s, so to see one here didn't throw me at all. At least I think it was plastic ... heh, now I can't remember for sure. I do remember forgetting my thermos one day though. Bummed me out too because I had chicken noodle soup in there and was looking forward to it all morning. :)
Plastic lunch boxes started in the late '70s, so they would be very appropriate in "1983". They co-existed with metal boxes up until around 1985, when the last of the original metal lunch boxes (Rambo) was produced.
Well, apparently my memory sucks! :lol I think all I had were metal ones, so that's probably why I don't remember the plastic ones. Out of sight, out of mind.

I still love what they did/are doing with this whole thing. Even going so far as to make the YouTube account with a bunch of other old commercials. I think that when viral advertising is done right, it really does add to the whole experience.
OMG that was perfect and 100% accurate if my memory serves. Even the kids, hair and bus all looked from the early 80's. If I didn't know that was TS3 linked I would have had no idea. Oh and +1 on the lunch box being correct. I had this one in 1984 - actually my son has it now. He got it as part of my G1 collection and stores the accessories in it.

All it needs is a fragment of an early 80s Saturday morning ABC bumper at the end. (Like they did with the "Mysteries of the Universe" thing for Lost.)