Breen Phaser Rifle BIG Photos


Well-Known Member
I started working on this the other day. I got this in a trade forever ago and it's been just sitting there waiting on me! First thing I've worked on in what seems like forever. I will be painting this in the Gold ish / Flat Black colors of the Breen. If I get my hands on one later, I think I'll attempt to do the TR-116 Projectile Rifle. Any thought on this, screen caps, ect....






I think that with some Evercoat Poly-Flex and some sanding, I can make this look good. I don't want to cut it off and use pipe if I can get away with it.



Oh and a good bath although #1 I was supposed to be cleaning the bathroom not making it even more dirty and #2 that sink is in no way big enough for this monster! LOL


Stay tuned. :)
Great start, haven't seen many of these around, very cool rifle, would love to hear more about the projection rifle!!!
You sure can. I'm all ears!


What I see is you are trying clean those seam lines with Spot/Glazing Putty (red stuff or 3M Spotty Putty).

I highly recommend not using it to make surface areas. That stuff will take forever to dry properly eventually flake and crack.

FWIW, I never use spot putty for anything thicker than 1/32" thick, generally only for pin holes or scratches.

Try to use a two part body filler for shapes and surfaces. And I've found that anything other than standard Bondo Brand is needed. The supposed higher grade Evercoat type rarely provides better results in a model or prop.

And for something like that barrel. Glob on two or three thick layers and CARVE them while the Bondo is still semi-soft.
THANKS for the advice. I'm starting to agree with you big time on the spot putty, this stuff is, how should I put it, crap.

Reg old Bono? I'll pick up some next time I'm out.
Filling is a 3 step process.

I use:

3M bondo for the deep filling.

Evercoat is the medium fill

Glazing putty is only for fine pin holes and scratches.

Then there's catalyzed primer (high fill) + rattle can primer (low fill)
Have you guys used that everclear much. I think it seems to stick real well to the resin.

I used that fill primer but I must get to heavy with it as it seems to want to fill in the light details.
I'm having a heck of a time trying to find the right color of gold paint that went on this. Can anyone here help me?