Breaking Bad anyone?


New Member
I thought i'd be nice and share some of the breaking bad stuff I have gotten ahold of. One of the only good things about living in Snobuquerque. My friend works security for the studio. I've been about 20 feet from the RV and the other production cars. I also have some terminator salvation stuff but... eh. I also have a season 3 crew shirt but it's in the wash.

I am a big fan of the show and also have a Saul Goodman matchbook. I haven't seen the Fly thing before, what is it?
That's a crew medallion. That one is "defective" The best guess we have is that they were cast in the wrong metal. Copper instead of brass like the others.
That's a cool medallion, have you gotten to meet some of the actors from the show?

I seem to remember seeing a Fly in a glass cube (like what they did with Tuco's teeth grill), do you own that as well?
I haven't. My friend has met the guy who plays Jesse and Bryan Cranston. I know he's also met Frank Miller. They throw so much stuff away. We have a mortar in the back yard from Terminator Salvation amongst other things.