BluntMan and Chronic Blunt Bong saber


Well-Known Member
Hope Kevin Smith Don't sue..... BONG!

Here is my Blunt Bong saber replica; just need to paint it like the original and watch out Cock Knocker!




I used a hasbro saber sound board for the saber and a 20 sec recordable sound board (blew into straw in a cup of water) for the bong bubble sound.

I hope to make a Darth Bawl's Model.
great job! so what are the details of the build and construction?

At first, I thought this was going to be another "has anyone thought of building this" thread that generates 40 pages of replies but no results. It's nice to see you took the initiative and actually made one.

Nice! You built it from a real bong, or cast it in translucent resin? :confused

I bought the Bong from an on line shop in the U.K. (actually 3 of them). I Machined an aluminum sleeve to hold the blade. I need to paint it to match the movie version. I really like the 20 second sound recorder for the bubble sound. Once you record what you want then cut the record button off and it is there forever.

No;the bong is nonsmoking model :( I had to put holes in the Bong so the sound would escape.