From a draft by Fancher/Peoples, February 23, 1981:
Deckard's car bullets through the woods in a fury of
speed and MUSIC.
We BACK OFF IT AND UP, PAST whizzing branches, OVER
the treetops, losing the car as we SOAR over what is
suddenly a vast forest spreading to infinity.
Enormous MUSIC!
Deckard's voice over.
I knew it on the roof that night.
We were brothers, Roy Batty and I!
Combat models of the highest order.
We had fought in wars not yet
dreamed of... in vast nightmares
still unnamed. We were the new
people... Roy and me and Rachael!
We were made for this world. It
was ours!
Trees explodes PAST US in a rage of branches as we DIP
and SWERVE and that's when the spinner looms INTO VIEW
zooming RIGHT AT US, then tilting and yawing off in
hot pursuit with Gaff at the controls.
CREDITS ARE ROLLING, God help us all!