Behind the scenes discipline

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Sr Member
I don’t think I’m the only one who finds this “behind-the-scenes” discipline to be inappropriate. Myself having received a behind-the-scenes infraction point, I think the community would be better served to have these disciplinary issues brought into the public eye.

I think an additional sub-forum posting disciplinary actions would be more than adequate. It wouldn’t even have to be a discussion forum – just a one-way announcement forum (although I also feel a discussion forum would be appropriate as well).

Announcing infraction points and disciplinary actions publicly would allow the moderation staff to be more transparent in their actions while making the general membership aware of others actions. This would also eliminate what I like to call the Judge Judy summations that appear at the end of any locked or closed thread. It seems unfair that a mod gets the last word and no one else does. Having a place to post the outcomes of an issue would go a long way toward establishing trust within the community.
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Myself having received a behind-the-scenes infraction point,

What's this "infraction point" thing??? I see reference made to it in the post announcing Myford Holmes' ban, as well:

trolling-related activity that might have led to infraction points

Is this some kind of demerit system devised to keep the unruly children in their seats, and if so, why don't we (children) know about it, or was I day dreaming when this came up in class?
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I should note that my infraction point does not expire.

Dear juno,

You have received an infraction at The RPF.

Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
(this is from the "fair is fair" page of moderation, you understand)

Your posts noted in above link is in conflict with forum guidelines. Specifically section #3

Forum posting conduct:
Communicate with fellow members of the community in a respectful manner. Please also show all artists (including licensees) the respect their hard work deserves by expressing your opinions about individuals, companies or their products in a civil and constructive manner.
a. No flaming/bashing/baiting (making insulting criticisms or remarks to incite anger) others directly or indirectly is allowed at the RPF. Posts of this nature will be edited by a Staff member and threads locked and moved if this occurs.
b. No trolling (making posts with the intent to stir up trouble to incite disruption) is allowed at the RPF. Posts of this nature will be edited by a Staff member and threads locked and moved if this occurs.
As noted in the Code of Conduct, (, a ban is earned after four infraction points; in fact, that number was increased from three just so that we would have a record of someone's first "verbal warning". So having one isn't the end of the world, but they can add up if the behavior continues.


-RPF Staff

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
Am i going blind or does that thread not have any posts by you in it :confused

Is this infraction point thing on a per post basis or per thread basis ? only i've seen threads where insults fly back and forth between members for several pages threads where moderators have made posts in but actually not locked till much much later even when members have asked for action even though posts are bordering on what would be considered in a court as slander or libelist take the metal fett ears thread as an example.
On the other hand i've seen threads locked after maybe 1 or 2 posts where no prior requests have been made from staff to calm things down just instantly locked, there was one in the off topic forum for example where a member told someone to post pictures of girls in bikinis hardly a major offense yet it seemed to warrant instant action where the above example did not.
Just doesn't seem to be any consistancy
The Mycroft Holmes banning is the latest in the long list of behind-the-scenes actions. Let me get this straight, the initial reason for banning was incorrect, but since he was ABOUT to be banned, it was decided to just keep him out.


It seems the staff has their hands over ears and muttering "La, la, la, la...I can't hear you, la, la, la!"


In all seriousness...Juno's inquiry seems like an honest question to what appears to be a questionable practice.

A simple explanation should not be too hard to muster.
Mark Dickson was never even told of an/the official point or given a chance to publically repent, as others have. There was only a general warning in the body of a thread that wasn't directed at any specific person. Why was that thread allowed to continue in the first place, when it was obviously causing trouble, the model was finished, and no new information was being added? Others in that very thread were allowed to continue posting obscene comments without reprecussion. Mark even tried to discuss the situation with a mod but was ignored. Then when it was proven the basis of his ban was untrue and the moderators erred, he's now banned "just because. . ." What were his points and when were they issued ?
Even when you get a speeding ticket you know where you stand with the PD, DMV and insurance companies. You're given this info to AID IN CHANGING YOUR HABITS. And to make sure you know something bad may be coming if you get more. Not being upfront with members is a cowardly way of control and avoiding responsibility for decisions which could have underlying motivations. All it has accomplishes is a loss of members and loss of face in the public eye. After all, isn't this a DISCUSSION board ?
People have opinions. People that know certain facts should be allowed to counter the facts another is alledging. Especially when the person critiquing is an industry professional with hands on knowledge of the subject in that thread. And to point out that Ron Shanko was using shills, who never revealed their being part of his construction group while praising his work, and employing them in his defense is just trolling. Where is his ban? Where are his trolls bans?
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wow, juno. i knew you were trouble, but i never that you were the infraction point-earning type!:rolleyes but seriously, i agree that these situations should be made public. even if not open for argument, at least let them be public for posterity. it's only fair.
The Mycroft Holmes banning does seem to stink a little bit.
Even in the banned members thread in the first post it says he would have earned infraction points for trolling,and was banned for another reason.
By the second post he is shown to be innocent of the banning offense and then the trolling which in the first post deserved infraction points is escalated to a banning.
I doubt it's getting ignored.....

I just suppose that each time you post in this thread you get an infraction point, and when we have all posted four times, we'll all get banned.
I expect that's what the mods are waiting for...
i think they should take a page out of Dwight Schrute's book...

"Three demerits and you'll receive a citation...Five citations and you're looking at a violation. Four of those and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that'll land you in world of hurt. In the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior."

That was for all the Office fans...and it's not a joke
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