Assassins Creed knife

Hmm, it looks pretty accurate to me. Check out the costuming forum!
If I'm not mistaken, someone made a costume complete with sword.
Yeah, I made one out of poplar, then molded it and made multiple copies.

I've made mine out of resin, which are infinitely more Con-worthy. They're light and not a security risk.

You can see it here... My Altair

The sword is about 28" long though, which I sized for my back, so that I can remove it while wearing it.

I've seen the Windlass one and it's much shorter and a pretty accurate WEAPON. If you wanted to wear it to a Con, keep that in mind. Plus, you can't take it off while wearing it and then put it back.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm tempted to get the Windlass. But I would like to find something more con worthy. I'd like to go to A-Kon in Dallas this year with a Altair costume.