Arnold Schwarzenegger "Eraser"


Well-Known Member
This CD was used to smuggle the original copy of the Arms CD from the US Marshal Property Room. I love "Mozart".

I think that's a GREAT find... How "cool" is it that we can find the EXACT same item as used in our favorite films without having to reproduce it or spend a fortune by getting the screen-used piece.
I was once offered a "supposedly" screen-used resin T2 Winchester shotgun for $800.00.
I could buy the real shotgun and have $200.00 left over and it would sure look better than a hunk of resin that I would have to clean and repaint.
The sad part is that somebody WOULD pay a lot of money for that item if it appeared on ebay as the SCREEN-USED Cd.
I'll take a real-world found objact over a screen-used one anyday of the week.
Can you say "Obi-Wan" lightsaber parts?

Keep up the good work, Jerome.... GOOD FIND...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(phase pistol @ Jan 28 2007, 04:25 AM) [snapback]1406293[/snapback]</div>
Hey I bet that desk blotter is a found object too. And the manila envelope...


I think theres a VERY fine line between OBSCURE and GARBAGE.

Obsucrity is in the eye of the beholder... If you got the space to keep things like this then I sort of say why not?

Got to say 99.9% of the displays of film "nic nacks" look like my wife has emptied her purse onto a shelf.

I do have blue-tac from season two of CSI if anyones interested? I could do a run?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ed-209 @ Jan 28 2007, 02:43 PM) [snapback]1406418[/snapback]</div>
I think that's a GREAT find... How "cool" is it that we can find the EXACT same item as used in our favorite films without having to reproduce it or spend a fortune by getting the screen-used piece.
I was once offered a "supposedly" screen-used resin T2 Winchester shotgun for $800.00.
I could buy the real shotgun and have $200.00 left over and it would sure look better than a hunk of resin that I would have to clean and repaint.
The sad part is that somebody WOULD pay a lot of money for that item if it appeared on ebay as the SCREEN-USED Cd.
I'll take a real-world found objact over a screen-used one anyday of the week.
Can you say "Obi-Wan" lightsaber parts?

Keep up the good work, Jerome.... GOOD FIND...
Ed, this scene went by so fast when I was watching the movie that I was determined to find out which Music CD was used. After trying to freeze frame this scene over and over I finally caught it just right where it was not all blurred, where I could read the title.
Love the CD case. I'm a fan of the obscure. That's why I have clone trooper approved Ikea Bubblor silverware on display with my SW props. :)
I am a big fan of Mozart, so I was realy happy when I found out it was a Mozart CD. My two youngest go to sleep listening to Mozart every night.