AP Armor


Well-Known Member

Does anyone have any idea what type of armor this is? There aren't many photos but it doesn't look like FX armor. Any guesses?

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At first glance I would say its a GF ANH Hero suit. It's possible that its a recast or an AP suit though. The pictures could be better for deciphering.
At first glance I would say its a GF ANH Hero suit. It's possible that its a recast or an AP suit though. The pictures could be better for deciphering.

Sorry man, we dont allow links to live auctions.

I agree with animetronic though. :)
I thought GF had sold molds to AP, and AP had made changes.

Thats what i had heard anyway.
I thought GF had sold molds to AP, and AP had made changes.

Thats what i had heard anyway.

AP bought GF's molds and got a screen used helmet, and made molds of that. That is what GF told me at least, he even goes as far as saying that AP is more accurate than his old armor.