Anyone near Burbank who can double J Bond?


Active Member
On April 9th I'm taking my "Tomorrow Never Dies" BMW with sunroof rocket launcher to Burbank's 100 year anniversary parade along with a dozen other famous film and TV cars:

Burbank on Parade

I'm mocking up a blind driver illusion for the parade to hide me as the driver so but to complete the illusion I need someone walking alongside the car or hanging out the rear window holding the remote control.

I have a remote control cell phone replica as well as a few screen used stunt guns to round out the costume, as well as a passable replica of the grey suit Brosnan wears during the car chase (suit is 42 long, 34 waist).

Anyone interested, email or PM me. I promise you'll have a blast at the gig.


Damn..... Wish I lived in California sometimes. You guys have all the fun out there in movie-land!!

I would SOOOOO love to do this. Don't suppose you'd cover airfare? :)

This is me:


Older picture back when I was a teenager (around the time of Tomorrow Never Dies):

I have a tentative "Bond" for this event, but anyone else who is interested is more than welcome to contact me to arrange for the next event - Star Car Central keeps me busy with display events 2-3 weekends a month, with one high profile event like this that could use a Bond double every month to 6 weeks or so.


Great pics of the parade! Thanks for sharing!

And the price for best costume must have gone to you, too!

I mean, who can beat

someone costumed as a car seat


Really awesome roundup! :thumbsup
I hardly think my seat suit deserves a spoiler tag!

I brought the ridiculous hat to Munson's party later that day as well.
