Any airbrush recommendations?


Sr Member
Hey all,
I am in the market for a nice airbrush and small compressor. Any recommendations? I don't want to break the bank, but I don't want junk.
I think the best one for the money is the Paasche VL double action. It's usually around $120. I got mine about 10 years ago for $80 and it still works great.

I use a compressor now because I need it for my other hobby, so I have a huge one. But for years all I used was a 20lb C02 tank for air supply, it delivers moisture free air and costs about $8 to refill it twice a year. The beauty of those are no noise.
Good Brush and or the Iwata HP-C or B.

You can use the refillabe tank, standard garage air compressor with an airbrush regulator or scour ebay for a deal on a dedicated airbrush compressor.

There are some good deals, keep your eyes peeled in your local sunday paper for Michaels Crafts 40% that they run often as well, they sell brushes and compressors.
You should be able to pick up a new pasche VL on ebay for around $50, as for the compressor, I would say whatever you can get a good price on as long as you've got a good regulator on it should be fine. Of course if you want a really nice brush the Iwata eclipse is awesome, but it'll run you a bit more dough. :D

I was able to grab a new Paasche VL double action on eBay for $55, thanks for the recommendations. Turns out my neighbor has a compressor he's willing to give me.. :thumbsup
If you can afford it IWATA. Only because they are made so damn well they last for years. Just depends on if you are the maintain and use for years kinda person or the use, abuse and throw away kind of person. Both the Pasche and Iwatas are good products its just that the Iwatas are higher quality in my opinion, they are also higher price. But what expierenece has tought me the most is its not the tool its the craftsman. Ive done some cool stuff with really cheap airbrushes but they were garbage when I was done.

hope this helps
