ANH Luke Lightsaber switch


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I compared pictures between a couple MR Lightsabers and ones used in the movies. I don't currently have any pictures of my own, yet I noted something about the on/off switch on the ANH Luke Lightsaber. Should it not be on the other side of the lightsaber? (pictured below) The pictures I've seen seem to indicate that, yet the the site I looked at did say They were only publicity and pre-production pictures. Is the on/off switch in the right place?

Thanks. I just wondered.

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In the movie, the clamp faced the left side of the saber. The MR is correct in that version in both the LE and the FX.

In post production photos as well as the saber in ESB, the clamp was on the opposite side, or the right side. The MR used this version for the Elite version I believe.

So both are correct for ANH depending on what photo source you use, or if you want to use the movie correct position.