All Metal and Wood Functioning Appleseed Seburo GONG Pistol


Sr Member
As I previously stated, I am working on an all metal and wood Seburo Gong. The base kit I'm working off of is the LeMarchand copy. My camera is currently down, so no progress pictures as of yet, but hopefully soon!

What it will include:
-All Aluminum body and parts
-Wooden pistol grip and foregrip
-All working parts including trigger, hammer, safeties, charging handle, adjustable sights, and magazine release
-Gas blowback, magazine fed, shell ejecting airsoft shotgun built into it (Maruzen M1100)

As I was working on it earlier today, I noticed something odd. I had planned to cut a line for the charging handle to go down when pulled on (I figured that Poseidon was too lazy to put one in, just like there is no ejection port on their kits), but then I realized that the entire portion of the rear sights moves back. This explains why the charging handle is screwed into that piece and doesn't appear to move.
What do you guys think? I threw this up in Paint. Does this look right? I'm trying to make this as correct as possible.


More updates to come.

Also, what is this? There is already a magazine release located behind the magazine, so does anyone know what this button does?
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I'll be watching this one with much interest!

I know very little about guns, but that button looks like it might release the trigger guard -- for people wearing mittens, or maybe certain cyborgs. I have a hazy memory of something like that on some weapon I met.
Eh, possibly. Doesn't seem very practical though.

It's only on the left side, so it's a press button, not a slide button, we know that.
It doesn't appear to get in the way of the trigger, so it's not a trigger lock.

I wish LeMarchand would reply to my messages. He has the original kit with all the pieces. We could ask him what it does.
I'll remain skeptical about this as previously mentioned and wait for photo proof, specifically after the Cross Punisher thread which had similar ambitions and never really went anywhere.

Also you'll notice that the conversion Gong was a substantially beefier kit in order to accomodate the guts of the M16.
I'll remain skeptical about this as previously mentioned and wait for photo proof, specifically after the Cross Punisher thread which had similar ambitions and never really went anywhere.

Very true, but not due to lost interest. My apartment complex frowns upon heavy power tool usage, and the Cross Punisher required a lot of wood work for it's base. I still plan on making that piece as well, but I'm sticking to smaller items until me and my wife get a new place at the end of the year.

As far as selling these, that's not a top priority as of now. Just trying to get it to work first.
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If any of you want to try, here is the outline I came up with for some of the pieces. I will come up with the rest when I get the M1100.


So I got the trigger bar and hammer system worked out. If I can't find a M1100 to put in her (they are somewhat rare these days) then I might just offer a version that doesn't shoot, but still functions and chambers. All depends though. I'm gonna need to scrap some old airsoft guns for internals, but nothing big.

More updates to come.

Went to Home Depot tonight to pick up some aluminum for the receiver. Turns out all they had was stock 12"x12" aluminum sheets, 1mm thick. Now I have to track down somewhere that sells thicker pieces. If anyone knows of a store online that sells aluminum at a decent price, please let me know. I'll turn to my trusty friend Google right after this and look.

Found a great store on Ebay that sells aluminum plates and rods I need for real cheap. Name is "asmci". Check them out if you need any.
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A bunch of aluminum shipped today, including the pieces for the receiver and charging handle/rear sights. Finishing up on the trigger and hammer internal pieces this weekend hopefully.

Got the aluminum for the receiver and the trigger guard yesterday. Will hopefully get them at least cut out, if not shaped as well this weekend.
Finally got a long weekend to relax. Got the receiver drawn out and drilled, just need to finish cutting it out. Ambidextrous safeties drawn out as well. Not sure how I'm gonna shape them, but working it out. Been working on my Wolfwood .45 on the side. Too many projects at once!
is the button possibly for the safety on/off? idk if someone already posted that or if you found out but just trying to help.
Sorry for the necro post, but it came up during a google search. I own the original kit you have pictured with the white handgrip. The checkered thumb button is a trigger block safety.
Through the handgrip, kind of like the push button safety on a .22 rifle. Ideally, you'd push on the left side, it would protrude through the right side of the grip, revealing a red "I'm ready to cause harm" button end. :) The button is mostly a cylinder shape with a flat section in the middle that the trigger drops in to, allowing the trigger to drop.
Ok that helps alot in the design process. Thank you for the info! If you have any close up photos that would be awesome of you to post ;)