Alien Embryo in a jar?

they are everywhere around Halloween, I have one and will see if I can get a pic up... Mine was purchased online and is a baby "Grey"

It came with the container and a lighted base...need to add a bit more water to it
Hey Rob, I've got that very same alien and container! But the light burned out on mine and it's fused to the mother board so I can't replace it. :(

But I agree, they are abundant during Halloween, and you could probably find a few on eBay.
wow really??? I think I only turned mine on maybe 10 times total in the 15 yrs or so that I had it.... Did you try replacing the entire inside of the base with a new light?
I remember seeing an awesome version in an old sci fi mag a few years back. They also had an awesome alien "skull" that I wanted to order but could not afford