A Custom Blaster Years In The Making/Update post #15

How on earth did you get such a good finish with the aluminum black? I've had nothing but trouble with that stuff... I've explored all the links here about blackening aluminum but no one seems to have found a consistent (home) solution
How on earth did you get such a good finish with the aluminum black? I've had nothing but trouble with that stuff... I've explored all the links here about blackening aluminum but no one seems to have found a consistent (home) solution

I'm am not always lucky with the AB. I had a 3 cell Graflite look like rusted steel after a 1 minute application.

The only AB used on this custom was on the flash hider and the Peak brackets. The Denix is the natural factory finish. I've actually knocked down some of the black on the FH since the updated pictures were posted. I'm thinking some fine steel wool would help it look even better.
I've had okay luck with AB-- but my results always seem to rub away pretty easily. Is there something I should be doing to cure it that isn't in the instructions?
Well, patience and tenacity are two key things that I found important when I was monkeying around with my DEC Alum/Pewter kit. Sanding and polishing over and over again is one thing but secondly to that, I found, when working with AB is heat. Once I've sanded the metal to a smooth finish, and brought it down with some fine steel wool, I ran the aluminium piece over a flame (provided by a candle) to slightly warm it before applying the AB with a cotton ball. Once I've covered it and the metal is reacting, dunked it in a tub of cool water, before drying and lightly buffing it with the steel wool and re-applying the AB and repeating the process again.

Other members have done this literally hundreds of times and have managed to get a deep black finish on their pieces but I don't have the patience for that. Here's a picture of my DL-44 with the finish I managed to achieve.

That explains my results then. My process is this:

- sand part down
- buff with steel wool
- apply AB
- touch it excitedly
- finger kinda burns, stop touching
- dunk in water
- touch again and be happy
- touch a little more or try to install, black easily comes off
- smell the sulfur smell from the cotton swaps, like/hate it
- get dizzy
- reach for the matte black spraypaint and blue tape
Yes, I think wearing gloves is also key as, I think, on the bottle it says it has ingredients known to cause cancer in the state of California, and you being in Tinsel Town, I'm afraid it's sour grapes for you automatically.
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