2nd viewing of Avatar


Sr Member
Took my grandson last Sunday, and this time I noticed some subtle things I didn't notice the first time. (must have been the IMAX 3-D overload) I'm courious to know what others have seen on an additional viewing that they didn't before.

I noticed that Jake's avatar starts out pretty much thin as a twig and by the time he goes back to warn the tribe that the sky people are coming, his avatar is pretty BUFF!

Makes sence though as they are running through the tree branches he mentions that the bottom of his feet are getting stronger and he can run farther every day.

I thought it was a nice touch and makes good sence. What have you noticed?
I noticed the story was very boring and unoriginal and that it won't get any better with repeat viewings.

Sorry, I had to. :lol
I noticed the story was very boring and unoriginal and that it won't get any better with repeat viewings.

Actually, I have a friend who just couldn't stop talking about how this movie was a "game changer" after the first viewing, only to come back after the 2nd viewing to say that once you got past the incredible graphics and amazing vistas, the movie fell pretty flat and 1 dimensional. He was actually a bit devastated about it and my assessment was that the graphics were the only thing really impressing him to begin with.
Upon my second viewing it is a stunning visual and technical achievement and a very boilerplate "Dances with Smurfs" story.

Oh, and on second viewing and I am still convinced that James Cameron is a bit of an egocentric jerk who abuses his crew and cheated on his wife with the blonde actress who played Rose's grandaughter from Titanic.
Actually, I have a friend who just couldn't stop talking about how this movie was a "game changer" after the first viewing, only to come back after the 2nd viewing to say that once you got past the incredible graphics and amazing vistas, the movie fell pretty flat and 1 dimensional. He was actually a bit devastated about it and my assessment was that the graphics were the only thing really impressing him to begin with.

I have a feeling that, with repeated viewings, a LOT of people are gonna end up saying that. Or more likely it'll be "The graphics were unbelievably good, and the story was ok. Nothing special." The whole "game changer" thing is probably legit in terms of how visually stunning we can make movies, but the story itself is nothing special.

That said, imagine what a truly compelling, mindblowing STORY paired with such technology could do...
Upon my second viewing it is a stunning visual and technical achievement and a very boilerplate "Dances with Smurfs" story.

Oh, and on second viewing and I am still convinced that James Cameron is a bit of an egocentric jerk who abuses his crew and cheated on his wife with the blonde actress who played Rose's grandaughter from Titanic.

Let us not forget, that's how he hooked up with Linda Hamilton too.
That said, imagine what a truly compelling, mindblowing STORY paired with such technology could do...

My experience has been that you very very rarely get both. You either get one or the other. Good story or amazing visuals. Might make an interesting thread to see what movies people feel handled both.

I also agree that Avatar is a "game changer" or maybe it is simply the next step, but I think we are going to see more and more of this... which is very sad for us, because that means less and less physical props... but hey, if we can get 3D printing technology cheaper... we could just print off future props, straight from the 3D renders!
Thanks for keeping me honest solo. :thumbsup

1. Personally I think Avatar was a fun Flick, and the visuals were great!
2. No, it lacked a creative plot. something something smurf, something dances with wolves something 300 million dollars.
3. I'm going to kill myself because pandora isn't real.
4. repeat.

ps. flame on
I didn’t care for it the first time… but thought I’d give it a second chance, since everybody in the world loved it besides me (I get free movie passes also). The second viewing of the movie was boarder line unbearable and felt like it was 4 hrs long. I still do not know what people see in this film. :unsure
I'm still not getting the whole "smurf" reference?? It totally doesnt work here... werent the smurfs only a couple of inches tall? doesnt the common definition of "Smurf" mean small/short?

When I saw the movie, I could of sworn that these creatures were about 10 feet tall, which would be the total opposite of the word "smurf"
I'm still not getting the whole "smurf" reference?? It totally doesnt work here... werent the smurfs only a couple of inches tall? doesnt the common definition of "Smurf" mean small/short?

When I saw the movie, I could of sworn that these creatures were about 10 feet tall, which would be the total opposite of the word "smurf"

Dances with giant smurfs :lol
Thanks for keeping me honest solo.

1. Personally I think Avatar was a fun Flick, and the visuals were great!
2. No, it lacked a creative plot. something something smurf, something dances with wolves something 300 million dollars.
3. I'm going to kill myself because pandora isn't real.
4. repeat.

ps. flame on

Best comment on the topic so far. Well done!
Thanks for keeping me honest solo. :thumbsup

1. Personally I think Avatar was a fun Flick, and the visuals were great!
2. No, it lacked a creative plot. something something smurf, something dances with wolves something 300 million dollars.
3. I'm going to kill myself because pandora isn't real.
4. repeat.

ps. flame on

All in good fun, man. :)

I don't have a problem with anyone thinking this or that film is fun. I just get turned off by "ZOMG!!" hype. I actually don't recall anyone here really talking about it as a "game changer" in all aspects. Most people seem to agree that visually this IS a game changer. Most people also seem to agree that story-wise, this is NOT a game changer. And...uh.....that's it.
SMURF: Secret Military Underground Resistance Force....

Oh...and yes, I dig the Dances with Smurfs tag. Add me to the long line of people who think that the storyline was flatter than my first ex-wife. Even the whole 3D, while certainly impressive, I thought would have been better than it was.

There are movies that I will give a second chance to...Office Space being one. I certainly won't spend any money to see it again. I was bored half way through the movie.
I don't get the concept that a story being simple is necessarily a bad thing.

It isn't, necessarily. Simplicity of approach is usually a beautiful thing. When done properly.

"Simple" is just the closest word most people can think of to describe how they feel about the Avatar story. Don't take it as a general statment.