2010 Rotj Stormtrooper Helmets


Well-Known Member
I finally received my 2010 _ _ Rotj helmets after a nine month wait. I hope anyone else still waiting for anything will shortly receive their goods also.
Anyway i only wanted an ABS helmet to add to my collection and it turns out the 2 kits i actually got are styrene.
They have been completely finished off by _ _ and he has started by painting them both in a biscuit colour, to match the off white colour of the helmets used in Rotj. They are also finished using green bubble lens and the decals are printed on paper with the black deatiling stripes all hand cut and stuck on top of the paper decals. Very accurate if just a little bit messy..
The ears are hand painted also along with the frown and vocoder and you see one helmet has been finished with a set of keiths hovi mic tips and the other has none. Not sure whether to add the metal hovi or leave them with the resin version?







I always hated this version of the trooper helmets... I don't know why I've really started to grow fond of them recently?

They look like they are supposed to... craptastic! A little soft in detail and the stickers are all grimey etc just like the real deal!

Congrats on finally getting them in, even if they aren't EXACTLY what you were expecting! Cause they look nice!

Too bad the frown was already made and the ears put on... you coulda made one with square mouth and had the other be the round. (you still could but the ears look like they are really ON there!)
I love ROTJ troopers, mainly because they were proeminently used on all the SW video games covers and artwork :thumbsup
Glad to see that you've received your helmets. I, too, went for the RoTJ look and it's a pleasure to see more of it. He can put a nice helmet together.
They are looking good Mark, nice to see more Jedi helmets around.

I think the more you study them the more you like them, I actually prefer them to ANH/ESB helmets now.