I saw a small replica of the Mother of the Wendol on ebay, and still kick myself over not buying it... but I'm curious, what is out there in kit's one off's etc...oh, and sword replicas... let's not forget the sword replicas
The site's gone now, but once upon a time there was a company called "Viking Metal Works" who made a replica of Ibn's "scimitar." According to the Wayback Machine (www.archive.org) it was $925, but no pictures sadly...
It's roughly 4.5 inches tall. I'm talking to the guy who molded it and cast it to see how much it would be for one. Sorry I don't have that info right off the top of my head, it's been years ago that I made this.:redface
I just did a version of the Mother of Wendol to test out some new material. Pretty happy with the results, thought I might as well share.
Got details of the build on my BLOG