1/35th Giant Squid from Disney' 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!


Sr Member
Just got the castings (for a pending Kit / see post in RPF JunkYard) & started by posing the Arms & Tentacles. I will be posting Build-Pics in this post (over the next few days/weeks...) - I'm looking into Lighting her Eyes!

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Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

"You are about to do battle with the most tenacious of sea beasts!"

Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

That squid sucks! :angry

The powerful suction cups... with the sucking. Very powerful. :D
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

This is a GREAT replica! Kudos!

I am wondering...

Why did you choose 1/35th scale?

Since many of us own the 31-inch, 1/69th scale Nautilus (Icons/ MR/ Fan-made) do you have have plans to produce a 1/70th-ish scale squid that can be displayed with these models?

If you made a rubbery-armed replica in that scale, the hundreds of folks who own these Nautili would be all over that. I know *I* would,

Just my $0.02.

Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

...do you have have plans to produce a 1/70th-ish scale squid that can be displayed with these models?

Thanx! The Vucania Volunteers' 1/72nd scale GS is on Tom's Workbench as I type this! Ready in 2 or 3 months (maybe sooner)
But we're Not sure if we will offer Her with Rubber-posable A&Ts...
In 1/35th scale, they require a lot of finesse to cast.

1/35th scale was first chosen - to compliment other Large scale Nautilus models & fit-in with some of the Dino & Sea-life maquettes that already exist.
Thanx Again!
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Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

I was just commissioned to build & paint - 2 GS/ one with the Resin Arms & Tentacles & the other with Rubber A&Ts. A good opportunity to demonstrate building the 2 different types. - to be continued...
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!


I was just commissioned to build & paint - 2/GS
...better make that 4 /GS build-commissions.

Yesterday, I picked up the casting of the 1st run & I will be posting Build-up & Painting pics in the next few days.
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

Winner! Winner! 10x Squid Dinners!!!!!!!!!!! Pics of GS Build-up progress Soon!
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

Even at a distance, Zsa Zsa's new Eyes complete her menacing stare!

With this addition the GS kitz are complete!

Once I ship the Kits, I'll start in on the build-ups!
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

Tom (GS Sculptor) just sent me these pics of his GS Build.
Looks like he's off to a Great start. Go, Tom, GO!!!




I'll post some pics of my build-up(s) in the next few days.
And I'm shooting a YouTube series titled: 'How to build your Giant Squid'.
Intended to serve as a substitute for assembly-Instructions.
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

I just got the castings for the squid and I have to say that they are great! I got the deluxe kit and both the rubber and resin tentacles are nice and clean. The body reminds me of the Colossal Squid, but that's just niggling on my part. Anywhoooo, nice transaction and lots of information from Modeleer. Worth the price? I will probably buy another one in this scale and for sure I'll get the 1/72 version.

Just got the castings (for a pending Kit / see post in RPF JunkYard) & started by posing the Arms & Tentacles. I will be posting Build-Pics in this post (over the next few days/weeks...) - I'm looking into Lighting her Eyes!

Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

****in A! 20K Under The Sea is my favorite Disney movie and I love anything about it. I'd love to be able to buy a posable one if they are produced.
Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

This squid replica is really accurate to the miniature used. When sculpting the squid for Bob Matty, Chris Mueller used a combination of a humbolt squid and a pacific main when designing for the film. I have one of these replicas and can say without a doubt, it's Right!( no Brow:))

Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

Thanx, Gentlemen!

The Vulcania Volunteers' Giant Squid (GS) projects have been dormant, while we ourselves up-grade to better suit our rapidly growing popularity & success, ...but GS in this & Other scales will Re-Surface in the coming months of 2010.

At this time, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for the on-going GS-35 Instruction Delays.
While we can take credit for getting the GS-35 from 'concept & into Your hands' in a Very short 7 months, I alone am responsible for entrusting Outside artisans with the making of the instructions. (need I say more?)

Giant Squid Models in Other Scales:
Tom & I had to turn our attention to other Projects - but we still intend to offer GS in 1/72nd scale
(perfect for display with the 31" Master Replicas' Nautilus)
& also a GS in 1/48th scale
(perfect for display with the 'pending' efx Collectibles Nautilus replica).

All this, while the work on our own Nautilus model(s) in 1/35th scale Continues!
V.V.' Nautilus models in true 1/48th, 1/72nd & 1/100th scales will follow...
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