Re: 1/35th Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!
Thanx, Gentlemen!
The Vulcania Volunteers' Giant Squid (GS) projects have been dormant, while we ourselves up-grade to better suit our rapidly growing popularity & success, ...but GS in this & Other scales will Re-Surface in the coming months of 2010.
At this time, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for the on-going GS-35 Instruction Delays.
While we can take credit for getting the GS-35 from 'concept & into Your hands' in a Very short 7 months, I alone am responsible for entrusting Outside artisans with the making of the instructions. (need I say more?)
Giant Squid Models in Other Scales:
Tom & I had to turn our attention to other Projects - but we still intend to offer GS in 1/72nd scale
(perfect for display with the 31" Master Replicas' Nautilus)
& also a GS in 1/48th scale (perfect for display with the 'pending' efx Collectibles Nautilus replica).
All this, while the work on our own Nautilus model(s) in 1/35th scale Continues!
V.V.' Nautilus models in true 1/48th, 1/72nd & 1/100th scales will follow...