1/1000 Akyazi Class Perimeter Action Ship


Sr Member
Hey everyone. Here's a little project I'm working on with my daughter, who's turned out to be an amazing sculptor/painter.



You go girl!!!:lol:thumbsup

Very nice I like the shape of the saucer section that was not easy,
the boomerang assembly in the back works great with the nacelles
mounted on top!! I also like the profile of the engine nacelles, they are thin and long which works well with the shape of the boomerang section because it's thin also! I like the two neck sections that tie into the saucer, because they fit into the cut out in the saucer thats a nice touch!

When you get the detailing on the saucer section it's going to jump off nice!!


P.S. I heard your Dad can't keep up on the mountain bike!!!:lol:thumbsup
Take it easy on your dad look behind once in a while to make sure he is ok!!!!:lol