1:1 Alien Egg?


Sr Member
Okay.. What are the sources out there for an full size alien egg open or closed?

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There have been a few sold here, but the cost was always really high. Not that they were over-priced, just way out of my range:unsure. I have always planned to make one myself at some point, but that list is long and who knows if I will ever get to it. I hope so.
What would really be great is one that would open as well as close.:love
What about a latex version that can open and close with a facehugger that has a wire armature to bend display wise on the egg?
Here's a pic of mine:


From left - Aliens, Alien Res/AvP, Alien3.
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I spy with my eye:
  1. small egg
  2. Sulaco miniature floor tile
  3. mystery green prop large
  4. mystery green prop small

Can you please tell us what the others are?

Forgot about this one!

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I made a few a while back that were not quite movie scale but still cool enough for my purposes...


I used a two closed one's made from hard foam, damn they were nice. I can remember getting them from a guy in Ireland, but can't remember the details anymore......it's my age!

I've seen a few come up on fleabay recently, don't know about there quality though.
I have one I purchased a few months ago at a yard sale. I will take some pics and post them in a couple days.
