Recent content by crabra comander

  1. crabra comander

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Post-release)

    Space steel doesn't rust....
  2. crabra comander

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Post-release)

    Who the hell was that caterpillar alien on their ship? What was up with the kiss at the end It felt totally unearned. C-3PO was good and so was Bo Jack or whatever that little alien guy was. Dio was good too. Really underwhelming fight scenes too bad they had to underutilize the knights of...
  3. crabra comander

    The Mandalorian (TV series)

    Palpy will have a baby Yoddle with him in the TRoS film to tie it all in:unsure:
  4. crabra comander

    The Mandalorian (TV series)

    Well, Mod Gideon killed the Imp Herzog, so maybe he has less kill the baby plans than we think?
  5. crabra comander

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Post-release)

    Rodan was a great addition to the fray. I do like that the monsters all answer to the alpha. Rodan is seriously the Starscream of the franchise though, he’ll literally just bow to whoever he thinks is the strongest...:lol Loved G man going thermo ☢️ . Saw some complaints about how G man was...
  6. crabra comander

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Post-release)

    That’s a good trailer...excited to see these guys. I want G man to see Angurius tunelling and kill him as easily as he did in GMK... Destroyah sounds good. And Gamera and G man never merged franchises I thought?
  7. crabra comander


    Hardy was good in that mma film...Warrior I think. He was great in Taboo...and Bronson was just weird awesome sauce
  8. crabra comander

    Rey's terrible very bad Lightsaber skills: Star Wars

    I haven’t been back to comment in a while about Rey’s fighting stance but....GOOD LORD WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE
  9. crabra comander

    Solo: A Star Wars Story (Post-release)

    Enfys Nest was a badass fighter. She moved unnaturally in the showdown with Beckett.
  10. crabra comander

    The Predator (New Sequel)

    **** this ****
  11. crabra comander

    Avengers: Infinity War (Post-release)

    As LONG AS MIEK AND KORG are alive!
  12. crabra comander


    Dialogue was super clunky and on the nose. "You kill people for your experiments", "the guy you work for is a bad guy". The symbiote passes through his clothes without issue?!
  13. crabra comander

    "Jump Scares" - OK, I'm old...

    If it's earned, then jump scares are worthy. But a lot of them do tend to be cheap. For example, I was watching a film yesterday and the lady was turning a pop goes the weasel toy. She was turning it for what seemed like an eternity, when, suddenly, the loudest screeching noise as it pops open...
  14. crabra comander

    Black Panther (Post-release)

    I’m sorry I totally lied about not trying to start a argument:lol It was a good movie, Shuri was awesome. Why didn’t Saw Guerrera use Bor Gullet to see what Killmonger was up to? :p
  15. crabra comander

    Just watched Highlander for the first time. Just awful!

    I’ll give you a perfect example of a timeless film, IMHO. I have seen the Good the Bad and the Ugly on multiple occasions. I’m an 80’s baby. When I first saw it I loved it. My appreciation for it has actually grown with repeated viewings. Just recently I showed my 7 yr old the film and he was...