Predictions on sales of MR V2?

cayman shen

Master Member
History has shown that almost every single saber ends up dropping in value, lingering on ebay for abuot half-retail, sells completely out, then usually bounces back in value.

For example, OB1 ROTS:

Some paid $369 from MR.
Within a year it could be had for $200.
Now it's creeping toward $300.

Another example, QGJ. Now it can be found on ebay for under $200. Who knows what next year will portend?

Soooooo....who's leaping right on the V2, who's waiting? Damned if I'll pay top dollar, but if I miss this and it becomes the next OB ANH or BD Maul, I'm gonna kill myself. I suspect that it won't sell well except to a few hundred hardcore fans, but what do I know.

Are you getting it right away?

Do you think it'll sell?
I've been kicking this around for a while too....

To buy or not to buy, that is the question.... And like good old Ben said:

"You must do what you feel is right, of course."

I'm in..... If (when) it drops, my post will still be here to say i told you so.
They held over time, yes, but there is always an inital drop...I remember Dooku and Windu sabers for $150. Then they were gone. Now they're two, three times that.

So buy it now, or wait but risk missing out entirely and paying after market...? If it's a hit, how fast will 1500 sabers go? If it sells slow, how long will 1500 sabers linger in the bargain bin?

Sigh. I hate gambling.
The Mara Jade is pretty recent and it's more than held it's value. It was a more limited release though.
The Mara Jade is pretty recent and it's more than held it's value. It was a more limited release though.

Yeah, what an anomaly. I can't believe there are 750 people in the world who want to have whats-her-name's signature on a fan-made lightsaber from a playing card game. Bizarre.
The Luke v2 is my all-time favorite Lightsaber, I got it right as it was released and will not regret it at all if it dropped even to $100. Some pieces are just that important to you....
Yeah, what an anomaly. I can't believe there are 750 people in the world who want to have whats-her-name's signature on a fan-made lightsaber from a playing card game. Bizarre.
yeah my thoughts and why i didnt get it, i can live without some fake whatever EU saber but not sure id want to pass on the must have v2...i will be monitoring this one carefully to ensure i dont miss out, and to not overpay as best as i can...
im super mad i got my han ee for 399 just to see other sites selling them for 300- a couple months later(still dont believe these are readily available)
Yeah, what an anomaly. I can't believe there are 750 people in the world who want to have whats-her-name's signature on a fan-made lightsaber from a playing card game. Bizarre.

The signature was added as a surprise. I think the die hard fans want it because of the EU history of the character. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with what's her name or a playing card game.
The signature was added as a surprise. I think the die hard fans want it because of the EU history of the character. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with what's her name or a playing card game.

I'm getting a custom luke V2 with Crystal Focus built, so I'm gonna pass on this one. Just having a hilt that doesn't light hasn't ever made sense to me...
I here you Aluke, but there are certain sabers that you just can't live without. This is definitely one of them.

I went ahead. I plan to eventually get a couple Graflexs to convert them into Luke's so I'll need a V2 to complete the set.
I couldn't let this one slip through my hands like all the others. This saber will be buried with me.
As someone who came to the game late and missed out on a lot of the deals that existed on the items I want a few years back, I am jumping on the v2 and getting the SE from MR directly. It's one of the few sabers I would classify as must have, and will give me what may very well be my ONLY sig edition saber (unless I get lucky and finda Mace or Dooku).

I don't like paying MR prices, but I figure with it being the last they are producing due to license issues, better to just get it and bite the bullet now then to miss out later.
