'66 Batman cowl


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Here's the latest from my wife and I.
It was made for my friend who is George Barris' "Batman" when one of the cars is being show on the West Coast.

It's made from all original materials plus an upgrade or two.

It turned out so well that I shaved my goatee to get a shot or two before it shipped!

Thanks for looking!
Happy to answer any questions.

It's amazing. Everytime someone wears one of these cowls they always end up looking like Adam West! Fantastic work. Oh, and PM sent.

are you selling these?

Thanks very much Guys!!!

This has been a real joy for me.Maybe not so much for my wife.:lol I tend to get nit-picky.
I was a real fan when I was younger so it's been a walk down memory lane.
I've also met a bunch of great folks along the way that have helped us pull this off.

Yes we are selling these.
They are limited in number by the amount of fabric we have here.It was custom dyed and imported from overseas and when we run out, we won't be making any more.
Be prepared for sticker shock.They are VERY labor intensive to produce and the fabric is expensive.

Thanks again for all the kind words!!!
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hey there... my jaw is on the floor. i love the teamwork and detail. i woul like to start my own but dont know what fabrics to use. or how to go about the faceplate. would you be willing to guide me in the right direction? please? lol
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