If you could live in one fictional setting what would it be?

Being 49 years old I feel I am past the 'wanting a life of adventure'. I'd probably also like to stay on Risa or some other pleasure place. But since we are talking fictional places here--I'd just rather make up my own place.....would......definitely......be.....NSFW!!
Being 49 years old I feel I am past the 'wanting a life of adventure'. I'd probably also like to stay on Risa or some other pleasure place. But since we are talking fictional places here--I'd just rather make up my own place.....would......definitely......be.....NSFW!!
Well I'm 48.
If I had the actual desire to live a more adventurous life I'd be doing that right now.
Of course my answer is pure fantasy. It's like the question, what actor/model would you like to be with. In truth most successful actors/models are to narcissistic and career-oriented to thrive in a typical relationship. Still the fantasy remains.

FWIW I would love to date Priyanka Chopra. In truth, my life now is terrific with my two daughters who give me love and laughter (and headaches) every day.
Ok, yeah. "Hero shield" is given.
My Firefly fantasy otherwise couldn't outweigh the possibility of a reaver encounter.

Ok, so, if hero shields are a given, then....hmm....probably the Star Wars universe interbellum years or post-Galactic Civil War. Oh, and that presumes non-Special Edition, and post-PT. ;) Alternatively....hmm...well, the Spellsinger books always appealed to me, and since I play guitar, that could work.

Oh, and for both of the above, only with the caveat that my girlfriend comes with, and gets her own hero shield.

For those saying they'd want to be in comics, I'd advise staying out of comics because who knows when your continuity will be rebooted... You might think your origin story is one thing until you start selling poorly and they retcon-punch the universe or Scarlet Witch sneezes too hard and your whole backstory and environment changes.

Alas, Atlanta is all too real.
Azeroth. But only if I can be my Undead Rogue character. Aside from the occasional raid on Stormwind, I would just hang around Sylvanas. That is, if she would allow it. :D
OK no surprise's on this one from me ..

Hitchhikers Guide Universe !

I would love to learn to fly like Arthur learns - Or travel the universe hoping rides on ships in the truly creative universe Douglas Adams created.
Oh for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster - Or one more pour of that Old Janx Spirit, Don't give me no more of that Old Janx Spirit :)
All of you have some great answers. But I am surprised no-one has taken my first pick: I would choose to live in Bag End, in the Shire. Of course I would need to be Hobbit-size, but that would be the life for me! :) It is a beautiful home, and I am a gardener by trade, so it's a perfect fit.

lol! I AM hobbit-sized! (pretty much) Bag End/The Shire would be such a lovely place to live. Not to mention it's also NZ and it's just beautiful there even when you're not in an AU/fictional universe.

I wouldn't want to live in the Marvel universe, even if I was a superhero. Life expectancy is way too short! Everyone is always in danger. What if I was like Uncle Ben and was the only person who doesn't get brought back from the dead? :lol

Azeroth is a good answer. But only if I can be my troll hunter. She's badass.
Either TOS Star Trek or Peter Hamiltons Commonwealth because of medical advances and we won't go extinct when the sun turns into a red giant. The Commonwealth also has practical immortality if you ignore the occasional galactic war.

Now for my practical side. I realized something a long time ago when I went to England back in the 80's and all the sights made me think, "It would be so cool to live here." But then I thought some more and decided it would not. After a while you take the world around you for granted. The last mile or so on the route between my old apartment and my job is very scenic. At first it was "this is nice and relaxing" but after a few months or a year it was "I don't want to go to the meeting this morning" or "I need to buy drain cleaner on the way home." I work with a woman who loves all things Disney and she was very excited when she moved here from St. Louis because she could go to Disney World all the time. I bet if I ask she will say she has not been in years.
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