Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

Here's mine:

Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

Um...Mr. Lumberg took mine...and I haven't received my last paycheck and um, Mr. Lumberg said that I should talk to payroll, but then they said that I should talk to Bill...Okay, but I'm going to burn the building down.

Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

In that pic, it looks like the swingline logo is chrome/aluminum and not white.
I thought this might be the case based on other pics but this one really is swaying me. Thoughts?
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

From the two photos posted, I think there is no question that it is chrome.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

You can't really base it off or a couple photos. In the one where the stapler has been found in the burnt building wreckage what you are seeing is supposed to be part of the logo charred.

WebChief, great job on yours, all you need is the white line at the back of the top part. ;)
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

To me it looks like the "Swin" got a little more of the burned look than the rest of the lettering. It does appear slightly raised though on the burned version. If it was chromed I think the dot on the "i" would be a little darker too.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

You are welcome Funky Jedi. :$

dr_slurpee; We have no choice but to base it off a few (not just one) photos. Unless someone has behind the scenes photos, or the original prop... Even better, an interview with the guy who actually built it. This is all we have. And we have some good stuff to work with. More has been done with less. :unsure

As to it being burnt... Remember, it wasn't REALLY burt in a fire. The props guys probably used a torch and did it so that it was still very recognizable. One reason the logo is only slightly burnt, and the dot on the i was missed. In fact, it looks light is was "brushed off" before the close up. Look at the clean mark line just above the thumb?? Compare the front logo area with the back behind the thumb.

Now, to get some stainless steel logos with adhesive backing...
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

What I meant by not basing it off a couple pics was just to look at it throughout the movie, different screen grabs from the same scene and so on. In every scene the lettering looks white, I have not seen any scenes where it looks silver or chrome at all.

I doubt that they actually burnt the stapler, but rather painted it to look burnt...regardless though, it's white lettering with char on it, mine looks equally raised because they are vinyl letters, I would imagine they used vinyl letters for the real thing also since they would be the easiest to procure.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

What I meant by not basing it off a couple pics was just to look at it throughout the movie, different screen grabs from the same scene and so on. In every scene the lettering looks white, I have not seen any scenes where it looks silver or chrome at all.
Well, in the last scene, it's the best shot we have. It's not moving, and it's designed to be SEEN. So, it's really hard to tell. Maybe, as it has been sugested, there are two versions; White for all the office long shots, and a Chrome hero one for it's final "death" scene. It does make sense. It's a common practice. Damnit!! :confused I think they do it to confuse us...:wacko

I doubt that they actually burnt the stapler, but rather painted it to look burnt...regardless though, it's white lettering with char on it, mine looks equally raised because they are vinyl letters, I would imagine they used vinyl letters for the real thing also since they would be the easiest to procure.
Hell yeah, they would have burnt it. If you look at it, you can see the charing. It's got texture and the tell tale bubbling of the paint. It's far easier to burn an $8 prop than pay some guy to spend time and effort on making it look burnt. It's a throw-away. So burning is the answer. Once I get one or two of these perfected, I think I'll make a "death" version as well. :lol

As for the lettering... It would not be off the rack lettering, it has to be custom. It's the real Swingline logo after all. And while that font may be available/been available, it is unlikely that it matched perfectly to the logo. And you can clearly see that the prop logo match is perfect.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

I doubt that they actually burnt the stapler, but rather painted it to look burnt...

I don't know about that. Look at the front of the top of the stapler in that screen grab. That looks like bubbled paint and a very rough texture - too much texture for a simple paint job. Especially for a piece that was only on screen for a second. It would have been easier just to hit it with a propane torch, hold it over a sterno at the food service table or take a lighter to it, than to paint it with that texture.

I'm considering making another stapler because mine took a dive and the paint chipped on one side. Rather than sand it all down and start over, I may make that one the burned version and paint the new one with krylon Fusion.

Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

As for the lettering... It would not be off the rack lettering, it has to be custom. It's the real Swingline logo after all. And while that font may be available/been available, it is unlikely that it matched perfectly to the logo. And you can clearly see that the prop logo match is perfect.
Oh, I didn't mean it was off the rack lettering, just that it would be easier for them to have some white vinyl letters made than some chrome or metal looking ones. I am not too sure what you are implying about the matching of the Swingline logo perfectly. It's easy to create art that would match perfectly to be used to make vinyl lettering.

Also, if one is to believe that they would just burn the stapler rather than paint it why would they create a "hero" stapler with chrome or metallic lettering for a shot where they intended to burn it before shooting it? Watch the scene as he moves the stapler around, there isn't a hint of any sort or metallic sheen or reflection to it.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

So who wants to head up getting some chrome/aluminum decals made, start a run?
SSdesigner did a great job with the white ones, don't know if he'd be interested in doing them or not.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

Oh, I didn't mean it was off the rack lettering, just that it would be easier for them to have some white vinyl letters made than some chrome or metal looking ones. I am not too sure what you are implying about the matching of the Swingline logo perfectly. It's easy to create art that would match perfectly to be used to make vinyl lettering.
SOrry, I thought you meant off the shelf. Yeah, making the art is easy. And vinyl isn't just flat and white. It comes in many thicknesses and colours. Including chrome!!! Not just silver, but shining, glimering, reflective chrome.

Also, if one is to believe that they would just burn the stapler rather than paint it why would they create a "hero" stapler with chrome or metallic lettering for a shot where they intended to burn it before shooting it? Watch the scene as he moves the stapler around, there isn't a hint of any sort or metallic sheen or reflection to it.
In that scene it is MORE evedent that it chrome like. It has more shineyness than ever before. And as far as the trouble goes... That's what they do. The art of illussion!!! And since they have the art for the logo already, having it custom cut in white or chrome; same difference.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

So who wants to head up getting some chrome/aluminum decals made, start a run?
Well, I have the art ready to go. I have a vinyl cutter lined up. He has the chrome. But it is only 3mils (003) thick. As chrome, it will look great. I was hoping to find something a little thicker though.

Still looking at difference sources.
Re: Show me your Red Swingline Stapler!

Look at the chrome of the staple mechanism just below it, it has reflections and bright spots and everything, there's nothing on the lettering...just white letters in bright sun making them even whiter than in other scenes. As for making a hero version with chrome letters...why? It makes no sense to make it white in the rest of the scenes (including ones where it's right in front of the camera where a hero prop should be used) only to use a chrome one later on. Plus it's not in keeping with a swingline stapler.

Anyway, I can't convince you otherwise since you seem set in the belief, so we will have to agree to disagree.