Small Soldiers 1:1 (ish) Chip Hazard vinyl model kit


Sr Member
In my continuing quest for the perfect Small Soldiers replica (if ONLY I could find a GarageSoft statue!) I picked up the Chip Hazard 3D Paint Kit released by Hasbro back in the day.


Base is pants, that got chucked. Painted him up using the Winston Effect book for colour reference. Finished kit:



Accuracy wise, not bad on the details - this is the only representation of Chip that I've seen that has the red button on the SIDE of his comm unit. Although it does not have the skull on the dog tags, and most bizarrely, it has a pocket flap on the right shoulder instead of the red/blue/yellow skull patch.

And with the other Hasbro 3D Paint Kit of Archer:


And with the other "lifesize" replicas of Chip that have been released (minus the very rare Stellar Gifts vinyl statue - which is on its way to me - and the mega rare Japanese GarageSoft statue):


As you can see, they all have plus and minus points. I'm still after a TRULY accurate Chip....
Looks awesome Howlrunner, I've seen your Slamfist and Insaniac repaints and they're both great as well. What figure are you planning on repainting next?