HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE: finished pics on page 2! [extremely pic heavy]

L05T V1K1N6

New Member
Hey guys! This is my first Halo prop thread on the RPF, but far from the first one I've ever made. In fact, Halo props are my specialty! :D

My project this time around is the MA37 assault rifle from Reach.

So, first things first, I got the blueprints I'm using for this project from Juliet76 from the 405th. They can be found here along with many other blueprints he's created.
Juliet76's Blueprints

My process for drawing up my own scaled blueprint first required me to determine how long the rifle needed be: 31.5 inches. Once that was established, I scaled the blueprints in MS Paint to be the correct size when I blew them up on my computer screen. After that was worked out, I simply put paper over my screen and traced the whole thing. BAM! Instant 1:1 scale blueprints!

Now that my master blueprint was done, I repeated the process for all the individual pieces and cut them out to make stencils.

With my stencil cut out, I then traced the shape onto the wood that I would be cutting it out of, in this case, 1/8" birch plywood. Because I would be cutting the same piece twice (once for each side), I used double sided tape to adhere two pieces of plywood together so that I would only need to cut everything out once. This method is not only a major time saver, but it also ensures that both sides will be perfectly symmetrical. ;)

Time to cut the first piece out. First I drilled holes where there are hollow sections so that I could get my scroll saw blade in them. I then proceeded to cut the hollow gaps out.

Once the gaps were cut out, I cut the rest of the piece out with my band saw.

These pieces are now done and it's time to move onto the next layer. This layer is the main face and structure of both sides of the lower receiver. I repeated the same process from the first layer for this one.


The next step was to cut out the core that go between both sides. I used my blueprint to find out were I needed to leave a gap for the magazine well. Then I cut the core out of 1" poplar that I made from two laminated pieces of 1/2" together.

After I had cut the core out and glued it between both layers, I took the corners off all the edges with a 45° router bit. Clean! :D

Step one: COMPLETE!
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Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

My next step was making the details on the pistol grip. The design calls for horizontal slats, and I just so happened to have the perfect thing laying around!

I made a template of the grip pattern and used it as backing for the slats to keep everything uniform.

Glued on.

The next part I made was the upper section of the receiver. I started with two long rectangles made of 1/2" poplar.

I then made two smaller rectangles of 1/4" inch poplar, and routed and sanded the angled edges you see.

I routed the same 45° corner off of the bigger rectangles and aligned the smaller pieces and glued them in place.

The core for the upper section.

After I sanded down the remaining edges on both sides using my belt sander, it was time to glue the upper and lower pieces together.


Lower receiver is now complete!
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Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

Next came the upper receiver. I started with a 1½" x 1½" block of solid poplar and cut the side profile out.

I used a round-over router bit for the top edges.

After the main piece was cut and shaped, I moved on to the ejection port details. I cut the edge around the port and the dust cover out of 1/8" plywood.

Once that was done, I made the finer details out of 1/32" plywood, and the hinge rod out of 1/8" dowel, and put a metal spring around it for some extra detail.

After that, I made the tiny parts that go on the sides of lower receiver. I cut them out of 1/8" plywood, then sanded them to shape with my 1" belt sander.
Fire select switch and magazine release:

Next up, the butt pad!
Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

Gabe, as always your work is impeccable!! I can hardly wait to have this thing in hand! I'm pulling shotgun parts as I write this btw...
Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

For the butt pad I glued up a block of 1/2", 1/4", and 1/2". I traced a front-on stencil of the pad, as well as a side profile, as this piece has multiple dimensions.

After cutting out both the side and head-on profiles, I was left with this.

I then began the tedious and meticulous task of sanding the corners to exacting edges that had align on every plane. If that sounds overly complicated, that's because it is!

With the pad finished, it was time plan out how the two pieces were going to connect. I drew a square on both pieces in the same spot. I decided to have a piece of 1" dowel as the connecting piece that would also serve as a plug and allow the pad to be removable.

All together:

The entire receiver is now complete!

Hope you guys like it so far!

- - - Updated - - -

Gabe, as always your work is impeccable!! I can hardly wait to have this thing in hand! I'm pulling shotgun parts as I write this btw...

L05T V1K1N6 likes this.

Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

Amazing work sir. love builds like this and this is a fine, FINE build.
Re: Halo: Reach ma37 assault rifle

Loving this so far, can't wait to watch the rest of the build!
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Okay, guys, I made a good deal of progress on the assault rifle so here we go!

After I finished the receiver section, I moved forward to the main body of the gun. For this part, I used a 3/4" poplar core which I sandwiched between an outer layer of 1/8" plywood on either side.

I routed the slots out of the core with my Dremel and its trusty router attachment. The slots on the plywood were cut out with my scroll saw. After that, I started adding details on both sides using more 1/8" and 1/32" ply. This process was pretty straight-forward: cut out shapes and glue 'em on.

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After the main body had taken shape, I moved on to the front grip. For this part, I glued up a block of wood to turn down on my lathe.

And after some considerable time and a literal mountain of wood shavings later...

Once I made that part, I had to figure out a way to mount both ends to the gun while accurately maintaining the free-floating design in the game. My solution was to have a peg on the gun that would slip into a slot on the back of the grip, and a pin (cleverly disguised as the flashlight) going through the front to hold it in place.

Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

After that was in working order, I added the details to the grip. The design called for a long slot on both sides, each slightly above the center line of the cylinder. To make these, I called upon my Dremel and its router attachment once more, only this time I used a rig I made awhile back to ensure a straight line and to hold the piece in place.

My Dremel got a little shaky in spots, but after some wood filler it wasn't even noticeable.

Now it was time for the tricky part. In the game, there's a pronounced section on the lower half of the grip that has indented grid/square shaped pattern. Sense I couldn't effectively create this part out of wood, I used a trick I came with for one of my previous projects: FIMO clay.

This clay is relatively easy to work with, and after it's formed, it goes in the oven for about half an hour and it's permanently formed.
I rolled the clay into a consistent 3/16" sheet and applied it to the grip.

With the clay on the grip, my next step was creating the grid/square pattern design. I used a piece of screen door mesh and aligned it, then smoothed it out firmly across the clay, then cut the section out to shape with a hobby knife.

After that was done, it went in the oven for 30 minute to harden.

And the result...

Well that's it for now. I'm so close to being finished! Hope you guys are enjoying the progress!!!
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Oh that is so cool looking. and the trick with the clay is awesome. fantastic!
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

When I started out reading this I thought, here's another guy with a bandsaw who's gonna try his luck on an Assault rifle...
Halfway through reading, I find myself watching this with my mouth halfway open, checking out all the details on this thing.

You, sir, have earned my respect! I am following this meticulously!
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Looking damned good!
Neat little trick with the sculpey and mesh.
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

It's a piece of art for sure Gabe!! Loving it! You never cease to amaze. Now get off the funny pills and get back to work!
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

When I started out reading this I thought, here's another guy with a bandsaw who's gonna try his luck on an Assault rifle...
Halfway through reading, I find myself watching this with my mouth halfway open, checking out all the details on this thing.

You, sir, have earned my respect! I am following this meticulously!

Well, I'm glad I could prove to you I'm not "that guy" :D

And now, the conclusion of the MA37 build!!!

First up: the shroud.
I started with 1" core I glued up.

After that, I made the outer sides out of 1/4" poplar, glued them to the core, and cut the profile out.

I then used my chop saw to cut a 1/8" gap out of the middle of the shroud. This gap will be filled with a 1/8" spacer with a smaller profile.

After some heavy sanding and cutting the top angle (which I forgot to document :facepalm), The shroud was finished.
I then made the barrel out of dowel, and the flash hider out of PVC.

continued on next post
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Next I started on the base for the the ammo counter.

The mount:

With the base and mount done, I moved onto the ammo counter itself.

With the ammo counter module complete, I made the details between it and the shroud.


On the gun:

continued on next post
Re: HALO: REACH MA37 ASSAULT RIFLE [extremely pic heavy]

Last, but not least, I made the magazine.
Using 1/32" veneer, I cut out the pieces that would become the surface detail of the mag.

The veneers were glued to the sides of a 7/8" core, creating an overall thickness that will leave just enough space for the magazine to easily slide in and out of the gun.

The base plate detail was made with 1/32", 1/8", and 1/4" layers.

Loaded for the first time!

And she's finally finished!

Hope everyone likes it! Next post, I'll have it all painted up! :)