Battle Angel Alita & Makaku Build - Live Action


New Member
As a hardcore Battle Angel fan, Im tired of waiting for Cameron to finish his 6 Avatars. So I intend on shooting an extended BAA trailer in Jan/Feb. For that I will be making a 7 foot Makaku stunt body and Alita arms. Check back after the new year for updates.

At the same time Im looking for help making costumes, a few props, and CG. PM me if you are interested.

[Edit] Update 9/17/13 We are about done with shooting, if you'd like to support us or see the trailer, like us on Facebook.
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She was my first choice. I actually have already contacted her, and she was hesitant... I tried to make her a good offer but I guess shes just not interested.

Good suggestion. and its funny the Alita world is still pretty small right now.
Made the Alita Arms today. Used Foam called L200. Used Barge to glue it together. The foam sucks up the spray paint. So I brushed on a base coat of latex paint. With that covered I painted on silver and gold to dirty it up some. I still need to detail it but I will have to wait til the paint is dry.







This was my 1st love in Manga. I have always wanted to build it, but my ex never was interested in it.

Check deviant art for some other builds. Some really good work people have done you might find inspiring.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing it completed.
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