SWTOR Sith Assassin Double-Bladed Saber


Sr Member
Hi all.

Here is my latest saber. It's called "Sith Assassin". It is a double-bladed saber and is based off of one from the concept art for the "Star Wars - The Old Republic" MMO. It made it into the game as well (one of my characters has one in his inventory but does not use it). The concept art can be seen in the third pic. That artwork sort of implies that the saber-staff only has 3 claws on each end but the one in the game has 4, all 90 degrees from eachother. The game look is what was used for this saber in regards to the amount of claws used.

This double-bladed saber is only slightly weathered. The look I was going for was of a saber that had been only been slightly dinged and scratched and that had a faded paint job but had still been maintained and cleaned by the owner.

The saber-staff is an empty stunt designed to take 3/4" diameter blades. The reason for this is that the person I made it for intends to use it for a fan film and as such, it does not require any electronics. I also machined two adapters for this double-bladed saber for use with carbon fiber blades.

The saber-staff seperates in the middle to form two sabers for dual-wielding. The concept for the coupler was originally created by Corbin of the TCSS forum. I added onto the design by adding the nut and bolt setup for extra stability when in staff mode (though I may get rid of that for future couplers). The bolt only screws into the nut about 1/16 of an inch which makes for only a "just under 180 degree" rotation before the saber-staff can be seperated into two sabers.

When in staff mode, a button head screw on the saber with the female part of the coupler is used to hold the two sabers together using only tension. However a longer screw on the saber with the male coupler piece can also be used to help hold the saber together. That screw goes all the way through both the male and female coupler pieces which prevents the saber-staff from being seperated at all. When that screw is not used, a super short screw is used in it's stead. The super short screw is cosmetic only and serves no other purpose. It is there to allow one to only have to slightly loosen the tension screw for a quick disconnect.
Should any repairs ever be needed, I made the coupler as well as all 8 claws, "bolt on" instead of expoxied on via metal epoxy.

While the large claws do have two different thicknesses, they are all one piece.
This double-bladed saber is made up of 16 pieces total, not counting any screws or the nut and bolt in the coupler pieces.

There are no Covertec knobs or D-rings on this saber-staff (though there is a place on each large claw to mount a D-ring) as the person I made the staff for has not yet decided how the saber shall be worn. The design tends to prohibit the normal conventional means of wearing it so a special holster or belt attachment may be needed.

There are no activation switches. Pretend it's turned on by internal switches that are activated by using the Force, lol.

Alright, onto the good stuff.












Thanks for looking and I hope you all like it.
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Amazing piece you have there !! It has that Old Republic feel all over and some excellent weathering too.
Congratz !(y)thumbsup:thumbsup
Fierfek, I built this for a customer who is going to use it in a fan film. I don't think he has a website for it.

Margh, thanks.
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