Jurassic Park 3D (Post-release)


Master Member
Just saw this posted over at Dark Horizons:
"Universal Pictures has confirmed a 3D re-release is in the works for Steven Spielberg’s original "Jurassic Park" with a July 19th 2013 release date set - a little over twenty years after the original opened in June 1993."

It will be awesome just to see JP on the big screen. It amazes me how the effects still hold up after 20 years, and look better than most current films.
im sorry, but is this what cinema has come too? now they not only focus on doing remakes, they are actually getting too lazy to even do remakes and just slap 3d on a movie and rerelease it? in a few years, will we see mostly rereleased movies in 3d?

as much as i like jp, i dont want to see post-production 3d on any movie.
I'm looking forward to it. I'm one of the few here who like 3d. Great film, great effects and will be great to see in a theater.
This won't even be real 3D though, it'll be that crappy clash of the titans "the movie title shot has more 3d then the entire movie" style 3D
Post converted 3D worked for Thor, Captain America, etc etc etc. Star Wars episode I seems a bit flat to me. It CAN be done well...and with Speilberg behind it I hope it is.
I love Jurassic Park, but I'm so sick and tired of 3D already. I'd love to see it on the big screen again (like Eric, I was there opening day, and saw it half a dozen times over the course of that summer), but I do NOT want to deal with 3D.
I actually have a feeling this isn't going to look so good. Too much of where you really want the 3D effect in this movie is very, very dark. 3D doesn't help that at all....eh, at least it beats Titanic 3D for an idea. JP is a great B movie, and conceptually 3D is a good fit for it.
I saw JP 7 times as a kid. I remember the theater having dinosaur bones and all kinds of nifty stuff set out. This was before most theaters started sucking hard and not doing cool stuff anymore obviously. The old theater is long gone sadly but, it'd be cool to see on the big screen again, 3D or not.
Because it can pull in $20 million (no way this is doing even as much as the 'meh' business as TPM, sorry SW still has the brand power that JP lacks for the general public) for universal with virtually zero expenditure. Plus they get to write off the various expenses associated with bringing it back to theaters. Why does anything need to be converted to 3D?
I am grateful to 3D technology for forcing Michael Bay to slow down his cuts in Transformers 3, since the brain needs longer to process a 3D image than a 2D one.

Other than that, Avatar is pretty much the only 3D movie I've seen (out of maybe 4 or 5) that was worth spending the extra money.
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