Ackbar, it's a trap!!! finished costume !!


Sr Member
i was commissioned to sculpt an ackbar mask and hands.

the sculpt is done out of waterbased clay. i am going to remove the eyes and make seperate molds for them. i also sculpted a tongue. we are going to try to animate the eyes and the mouth. i will be casting this out of silicone and backing it with foam flex 25. so the eyes lids should work. silicone is really soft. the norm is you sculpt the eyes closed if you are going to do animatronics. daniel valdez will be in charge of the animatronics. worse case is i have to resculpt the eyes, which is not that big of a deal.

here is the pics. almost done, i have to do some clean up work and we will be ready to mold.
here is short vid i made of the sculpt.

ackbar sculpt WIP - YouTube




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Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Looks freakin fantastic. :)
I thought the Flex Foam 25 leached so you could not wear it against your face. From all the tech data I have read anyway. Unless it's just for a static display?
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

that does look fantastic!! Ackbar is one of my favorite designs for creatures. (y)thumbsup
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Looks freakin fantastic. :)
I thought the Flex Foam 25 leached so you could not wear it against your face. From all the tech data I have read anyway. Unless it's just for a static display?

It's an animatronic according to his post. :)

Sculpt looks AWESOME!
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Looks freakin fantastic. :)
I thought the Flex Foam 25 leached so you could not wear it against your face. From all the tech data I have read anyway. Unless it's just for a static display?


i have used foam flex it for my plo's and i have not read anything about it leachng after curing. i just reread the technical Information, now when curing you need to take precautions. several folks make armor out of the stuff.

most folks wear a underarmor hat or something , the whole thing will not be backed with foam flex it just the back ,top and some of the front.
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Fantastic work! Can not wait to see the final product. Amazing detail.
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Concentrate all firepower on that super star destroyer!

sorry I had to.
That is an awesome sculpt. blows the DP and rubies way out of the water.
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Ok, I have not been a member for a long time but this is pretty boss. I had a cat named Akbar for a while. Named after this dude. :)
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

Good gawd! You sir, have done an incredible job with that sculpt!
I'm looking forward to seeing a painted up cast.
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

I had no idea ole Squidhead was so detailed!
Re: Ackbar, it's a trap!!! Mask and gloves wip......

thanks , guys,.. you are too kind.