Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront--OFFICIALLY COMPLETE W/ PICS


Sr Member
It's been awhile since I've made a thread and didn't want to intrude on others threads; so here goes mine.

this will be the overall look I'll be going for:
Im looking into getting Krennic's blaster, but I'm on the fence.

And my purchase list so far

-goggles(not exact but close and a very good price)
-Pants(military navy cargo pants from eBay)
-Pouches--I was luckily enough to find the Greek Thompson magazine pouch on Bay, hard to find but I gots it:)

Also on the way is a plain 2"x4" metal buckle from Tandy Leather to make as seen in on the Hoth/r1 troopers.

I was alo able to get one of @Psicorp's cool Cassian badges he makes, which seems to be the same as this soldiers.

Lastly, I've gots loots of photos of the vest/pants that I'll custom make, along with the shirt. I'll be hitting Joanna's for all the material within the upcoming week; stay tuned:)

FINISHED(here's some crummy self taken pics):


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Re: Rouge One Private Kappehl

So I was going to just use my Indy Frye company boots, buuut then I saw these for $30 including shipping

Again, not exact without the custom overlaying leather. I did go through with the purchase because I think with some leather gaiters, they'll look pretty good.

now just have to wait for all this to come in. I'll be starting on the cutting and sewing hopefully in the upcoming weeks.

tomorrow....the blaster.
Re: Rouge One Private Kappehl

Decent day so far:

blaster has been sanded down to accept paint-

I also picked up some hole plugs from Home Depot for the belt greeblies-

Also done but not pictured was the barrel out of PVC, came out okay but now need to figure out how to attach. Got some extra pvc laying around I may fiddle with.

more to come..
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Painted blaster with the barrel:
having a bugger of a time figuring out the attachment. Above is the pvs directly on the blaster but not attached;
just places for the picture. on the pvc are some rubber o-rings for the barrels ridges. But again having trouble getting them to stay evenly.

Back to the drawing board..

oh yeah, got lots of goodies today:) thank you to @Psicorp7 for the badge(upside down in photo), really appreciate that one.
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Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Little more progress:

First the buckle because that was easy enough:
IMG_4451.JPGweathered up my grenade pouch some
In my weathering like most, I try to keep it random while also paying attention to the story and how the wear and tear of this particular item would come to be.

i used some bleach diluted with water and left out in the sun to rinse out some of the color. Did that about 3-4 times. Then washed with hot water. After that was some sanding with multiple grits.

Then to the fun/dangerous part; please use caution if attempting this method. I grabbed the propane touch and away I went. This gives all sorts of shades color and give a bit more random look I think.

Then some acrylic layers from darks to lights, smearing with my hands to really work it in. Lastly, sanding again with a rough scotch bite pad to blend it all together. Call that done(maybe).

now working on the goggles which I WILL finish tonight. I broke the lens Wikileaks fiddling but oh well, they've seen some action.
Holes filled with epoxy putty, cut and sewed on the leather connecting strap and tried to paint the lens. Not perfect but for now it'll do. I'll work on fixing that later.

waitinf for the epoxy to dry, then to sanding it down. After I'll repaint the frames and add the greeblies. Finally the thing we all love, WEATHERING! :)
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Goggles almost done, just need to weather the elastic strap. I'll look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes and decide if I wanna keep that weathering.


Tomorrow I get the boots and pants in the mail. Boots will be good-to-go just need to make the gaiters. I'll be putting the pants on the back burner until I get the rest of the clothing material.

Open to comments an suggestions
Re: Rouge One Private Kappehl

So I was going to just use my Indy Frye company boots, buuut then I saw these for $30 including shipping
View attachment 723430

Again, not exact without the custom overlaying leather. I did go through with the purchase because I think with some leather gaiters, they'll look pretty good.

now just have to wait for all this to come in. I'll be starting on the cutting and sewing hopefully in the upcoming weeks.

tomorrow....the blaster.

I went with these boots. The leather is relatively thin so they are easier to cut with a good pair of shears (for the overlay/spat). Also, if you want to add the stitching, we were able to do it with a basic sewing machine.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Awesome! I was curious about if the stitching could be done with an average machine. Great to know now.

The boots(and pants) came in today but had to zoom out the door this morning. I'll have pictures of the boh and the com link later today.

thank you very much BroadSword for the info and files for that com link.
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Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Just to be clear on the stitching, it is faux. We only stitched the spat itself to mimic the spat being sewn onto the base boot. I just barge cemented them onto mine.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Oh yeah! Just purchased my Scarif hat from Mr. Hemmings over on Etsy. Highly recommended seller, great accurate pieces and a pleasure to do business with.

heres a couple shots of the incoming hat:)

Super excited about this one
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Small bit of progress made last night with the decal on the sleeve. Got it as close as I could, just need finish. Here's where I'm at:

Ill print this out on some iron-on transfer paper once I start the shirt

kind of hard to see, but close.
I also used a Rebel Legions members picture but didn't want to post w/o his permission.
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Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Giving the pants a mod or two:

Im no expert at sewing (in fact I'm terrible), but I added some padding to the knees to replicate as seen in the Visual Dictionary. they're not layered/overlapping but I think they're pretty close.

heres where I'm at:

Pants/pouch/and temp gaiters. Still need to weather down the boots, they look so new hahah:lol
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Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Calling it a night by finishing up the pattern I plan to use for the vest:
I also sourced some good prospects for the vest and shirts material that'll I'll pick up later in the week. Lots of sewing ahead:)
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

Got a couple things in the mail today, one of which was my hat:

Super happy with this one. The quality and accuracy are incredible. Had the com unit printed locally. Shout to @Broadswoard for the files and help on that :thumbsup much obliged.

tomorrow back to work on the blaster and I also plan to paint and weather that goggle strap. Stay tuned
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