Weeping Angel Project


New Member
I've been wanting to build a weeping angel costume for some time now. This weekend I finally decided I was going to stop wishing and starting working towards making it happen.

This was my first time working with paper clay and I'm excited for it to dry to I can paint and put the eyes in. It will need a little detailing once dry but I'm pleased overall with my first attempt with a new material. :)


Later this week, I plan to paint and add the eyes. Next weekend, I'm thinking I may begin construction on the wings.
I spent the evening working on my mask and just about finished it up. I still want to add a bit of foam across the forehead jut to help stabilize it and move it a bit away from my face. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it and really can't wait to see how it all comes together.

This is the finished paint job. I'm going to have to see if taking a picture in natural light will show the finish better because a lot of details have been lost in the picture.

The eyes are made from an acorn capsule from a gumball machine covered with a sheer fabric. Surprisingly, while the vision is not great, it's a lot better than I thought it would be. I was clearly able to dodge around my 13 month old when she ran up to me after I had it on.
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