Freddy Glove

cayman shen

Master Member
I wanted to post a few progress picsof my Freddy glove. I still need to shorten the index and pinkie a smidge, drill holes, etc etc. But for the most part the bottom bit is done.

This is my second one. The first I used a template I found online. Didn't like it--too stubby. I wanted the long finger look of the part 1 glove. So I did my own templates. I can see there's about a million inaccuracies, (including way too thick backplate--oops!) but I can't keep buying copper everytime I flub,'ll clearly be a Freddy glove, just not perfectly accurate. I worked out the finger tips with scrap aluminum and flashing, so they're just how I want them and should go more smoothly than the lower finger trial and error.

The glove needs to be darker and have the cuff tape added, but for a cheapo glove, it has the details I wanted, namely ball and tape wrist and straight thumb. Twelve bucks. I'll get the trim and dirt it up more later. Pretty sure the ball's gotta be red too.

Questions: what rivets? And are the finger rings brass? They look it. And finally, anyone got a good substitute for the overly pricey real tomato knives? I've seen a few, but they're over long.


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Looking great so far, the rivets are brass. I found some at a hobby store near my house for about ten bucks for 30 of them. The finger rings I used copper pipe and cut out rings and cut out a quarter section so there was 75% left for the rings. Makes it easy when your soldering copper to copper.image.jpg
Here's mine.
My insanely slow progress on this: got double rivets, tested them on the finger/backplate attachment. I was nervous about using rivets and now I feel kind of stupid because they couldn't have been easier to use.

I do worry that they'll be too wide at the finger attachment points, where the fingers bend. Thoughts?


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Mine were too long as we'll. I had to use a grinder to grind them down so they would work. I went from 3/4 inch to about 1/4 inch for them to work just right. A bit of a pain, but what can yeah do, I couldn't find any smaller so I made them smaller.
My posts aren't anywhere near that long, it's the thickness of the rivet cap inside the joint making the rivets too wide that I'm worried about. If that makes sense. I may have to widen the finger stalls? I'll play around and report back :D
Ok, test riveted an upper finger. Took some adjustments to get the range of motion I was looking for...


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Second finger on. Give me a break, it's too cold to dremel outside! Hopefully I can wrap up the rest of the fingers and rings in a few weeks.


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That's awesome. I had bought some stuff to make a Freddy glove about 13 years ago or so. I wanted to win a costume contest so I sculpted Freddy face appliances in clay, made molds out of hydrocal plaster then made the latex appliances. I broke down and bought the sweater and a fedora. Because the face sculpt too so long I ran out of time to make the glove and had to buy a plastic one. Yours looks awesome!!! Can't wait to see it finished.
Looking great so far for your second glove, just to answer a couple of your questions, the ringlets are Brass and as for blades, you could make your own if you have a bench grinder or something similar, another knife similar to the P210 is the Boker tomato knife, there's about $10/15ea but they are close to the P210.

Also try using single cap rivets, they are better for gloves and you will also have more room inside the stalls as they fit flush with the copper, you can pick them up for a few $$ (pack 100) and get Brass antique one's, you'll find them easier to weather as there not as shiney. And lastly it's probably easier to weather the copper finger stalls whilst it's unassembled and soldering the blades on.
Looking great so far for your second glove, just to answer a couple of your questions, the ringlets are Brass and as for blades, you could make your own if you have a bench grinder or something similar, another knife similar to the P210 is the Boker tomato knife, there's about $10/15ea but they are close to the P210.

Also try using single cap rivets, they are better for gloves and you will also have more room inside the stalls as they fit flush with the copper, you can pick them up for a few $$ (pack 100) and get Brass antique one's, you'll find them easier to weather as there not as shiney. And lastly it's probably easier to weather the copper finger stalls whilst it's unassembled and soldering the blades on.

Thanks! Any ideas pn how to cut the brass strips for the finger loops? Just use tinsnips and ignore the crinkly edge?
Looks good man. I've been working on mine as well. For the finger loops I know some people use copper pipe and cut rings of it and then snip the rings apart and adjust them until they fit. I just used the leftover copper sheeting that I had and filed down the edges.

Also if you haven't checked out CH33ZEBURG3R's build thread you should it's great and gave me some good info for working on my own glove.
Thanks! Any ideas pn how to cut the brass strips for the finger loops? Just use tinsnips and ignore the crinkly edge?

Yes just use tin snips to cut out strips of brass, you can always file down the small marks or use a bench grinder or sandpaper will do it to get rid of the marks. My thread on here is pretty old now and I don't really use any of the techniques on there anymore, my templates now are more accurate to a Part 1/2 glove and can be seen here - My Builds.

I'm happy to help if I can ;)
Hey thanks! The first time I cut strips they curled in a way that made forming rings kinda wonky. I tried to cut one long ribbon. This time I'll do them one at a time.
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